> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Ed Koch regrets backing Obama 'a little bit' (And who the hell doesn't?)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ed Koch regrets backing Obama 'a little bit' (And who the hell doesn't?)

Edward I. Koch, mayor of New York City, sports...Ed Koch regrets backing Obama 'a little bit': "ALBANY – Former Mayor Ed Koch said this morning that the Obama administration's hard-line stance on Israel has caused him to regret 'a little bit' his support for the Democratic president.

'I'm not off the bus yet,' Koch told The Post's Fred Dicker on WGDJ 1300-AM. 'But I do regret the fact that he sent me down to Florida to talk to the Jews to vote for him. I think I did it successfully. He told me I did and then he sought to betray the state of Israel in my judgment.'

The former mayor blasted the commander-in-chief in a bitter op-ed last month, in which Koch said he was 'weeping' over the administration's criticism of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

'He's backed off of that now and I take him at his word,' Koch said today. 'But I do feel somewhat disquieted.'"


Pretty soon it'll be one of those things where you won't be able to find anyone (even in the black community who voted like 87%  D / to 2 % R /10% felon vote, 1% undecided) who will admit they got suckered into voting for this man even though he hadn't even run a car wash or a hot dog stand  up to that point, much less a trillion dollar budget one time Superpower,  now on temporary insanity leave as a nanny state.

Especially the Jewish Community! Boy did Obama sell them a Muslim born bill of goods. 

First time a US president leaves the Israeli head of state staring at Clinton's DNA stain on the wood floor in the oral office while Obama goes Hood hoppin' with the brutha's...not exactly high respect.

Nice. Think they'll swing republican this time around and be damn happy they did when their net worth goes up overnight? We'll see.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray:  I hope you are right. This next election os going to be a knife fight for sure.

  2. Thank God and I pray the Jewish community at large nixes the democrats for the next 40 years...let them wander aimlessly in the desert for a half century thinking about their behavior since Bush's second term began...


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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