> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plane carrying Polish president crashes in Russia

This is terrible news as the president and all kinds of other government heads were killed in one plane crash this morning in Poland...88 to possibly 132 people dead.

Frankly I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often with heads of state or these professional sports teams, especially in the U.S., as much as they're all in the air each day and night. And I'm not certain along with others' that this wasn't a nefarious plot, especially with anything that Russia is involved with.

Anybody can tell you that it's simply unheard of to have so many government officers on one single plane. Unheard of.

It makes one wonder if a meeting was set up and the pilot was bought and paid for somehow or another to take the plane down. Particularly when they say right away that it was 'PILOT ERROR'

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but this would be the equivalent of Obama and his joint chiefs of staff all dying on one plane that crashes. It's NEVER DONE.  How coincidental could it be?

Crash: A plane carrying Polish president Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria (pictured here in 2007) has crashed on approach to Smolensk airport in western Russia
 Wreckage from the crash site

Mail Online: "Polish president Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria have been killed after their plane crashed on approach to Smolensk airport in western Russia.

There were conflicting reports today of the number of people on board the flight. Russian news agencies reported at least 88 people died in the crash near Smolensk airport in western Russia, citing the Russian Emergencies Ministry. They reported 132 people were aboard the Tupolev Tu-154.

But Polish officials said 88 people were on board when the plane crashed. Sky News reported 96 dead."  more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I think it's absolutely what happened. Either they take care of his family or they had him in some compromising position and gave him a choice of a way out. I 'd bet anything, it happened before in the to  Josef Stalin in 1940 in in those same forests in the region of Smolensk.


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