> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: More Voters Than Ever View Obama as a ‘Partisan Lefty’; 70 percent of Voters Angry, 48% Of Them Downright Pissed Off

Thursday, April 1, 2010

More Voters Than Ever View Obama as a ‘Partisan Lefty’; 70 percent of Voters Angry, 48% Of Them Downright Pissed Off

That's not their headline exactly but you get the picture; we were right about this from the git-go, so lets just "cut through all the crap" and do like England does (since the left loves it over there so much) and call for new elections, because the country can't wait 'til November, and that goes double for 2012.

They're pulling these brutal poll numbers at CNS from Rassmussen this morning, who has a lengthy poll covering all of Washington and the incumbents are lining up their retirement plans and since our retirements are out the window, perhaps now is a good time to "repeal" all these congress people's Triple Gold Star Retirement Programs on out backs.

Everyone else is shedding so called "legacy costs" so it's time for congress "to eat it" too, NO? I'm sick of their "what's good for me is not for thee" shit these people have gotten away with. Our founders would croak knowing these "self proclaimed monarchs" have voted themselves the future treasury.

Absolutely besides themselves they would be without a doubt, as we all know but congress seems to have forgotten that they came here to escape that very thing, along with their freedom to practice their own religion instead of the King's chosen one.

CNSNews.com "A new Rasmussen Report survey shows that 56 percent of likely voters believe President Obama is governing like a partisan Democrat, up three points since last month and currently at the highest level since he took office in January 2009. The week after his inauguration, only 39 percent felt this way.

On President Obama: Only 28 percent of voters questioned said that Obama is governing on a bipartisan basis, tying the lowest levels measured from last month, with 16 percent not sure.

-- 53 percent of likely voters are “somewhat concerned” that those opposed to Obama’s policies will resort to violence, while 42 percent do not share that concern.

-- To no one’s surprise, Republicans were twice as likely as Democrats to say the president is governing on a partisan basis. But 50 percent of voters with no party affiliation said they believe Obama is governing as a partisan Democrat, while 31 percent believe he is not.

On Congress: Following the health-care vote, 63 percent of all voters see Democrats in Congress as partisan, down three points from last month, while 22 percent see them as bipartisan, up seven points since February."  continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray,
    "perhaps now is a good time to "repeal" all these congress people's Triple Gold Star Retirement Programs on out backs."

    I've been thinking the same thing: GMTA, I guess. :-D These guys have made all kinds of promises that can't possibly be kept to millions of people. It seems to me the the first promises to be broken should be those they made to themselves.

    Dan "Abe" Draney

  2. What's good for the golden goose is good for the FAT ASSED congresspeople right? We lost our retirements without one single arrest, or impeachment or anything and these people are now retiring reading the writing on the wall and I'm sick of it. How many Americans are working now if they can get a freaking job that the damn illegals haven't stolen as my other post says tonight.

    We're mad as hell and now's the time to keep this ball rolling down the hill right over these criminals.....

    thanks abe


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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