> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals'

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals'

Obama and the dems' war on the wealthy and the middle class is going to destroy their party amongst moderate conservatives and liberals, I just hope everything holds together until we can remove and start seeking some prosecutions for all this unconstitutional SS like behavior from this group.

IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals': "CNSNews.com) - The Internal Revenue Service has launched a new global program to target what it calls “high wealth individuals,” IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman said Monday.

“Through our new global high wealth operating unit we are taking a unified look at the entire web of business and economic entities controlled by high wealth individuals so we can better assess the risk such arrangements pose to tax compliance,” Shulman said at the National Press Club on Monday.

Shulman said the IRS is using “our robust and evolving enforcement program that ensures that everyone pays what they owe.”" Continued here -


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, did you see Cavuto today. He had some young and very wealthy guy on who is touting "Responsible Wealth." Cavuto culled it down to him having somewhere under $25M. He says he pays $13,000 in taxes, and he and other in his Responsible Wealth group have been "donating" the tax savings brought on by Bush's tax cuts. My hubby had the perfect answer: why isn't he putting that money to work and hiring people.

    Everyday it something more amazing.

  2. I had it on and really was not paying attention so no I didn't hear it.  Interesting and I'll check for some video of it ...them tax cuts end in November I believe right at the election time....23 months after inauguration so actually right then.  Letting those expire is buried in that bill and that's what's going to cost these corporations all the money they're getting called to capital hill to talk to Pigman Waxman about if I'm not mistaken >:o .


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