He sure has come a long way from community organizer to the white house, to bank manager, to the GM CEO, to mining expert, and will now determine how to fix the coal mines while flipping through some report while sitting on the can takin' a dump.
He'll fix them alright....by closing them down while bankrupting them! He himself said he would do it!
So, I wouldn't ask his opinion on this accident if he were the last so called leader on earth.
He's their Judas, so they better watch their backs while he's looking through this report as this accident may just be the thing the "Dr ordered" so the overreaching "Gman" can start shutting these "dirty and old fashioned coal mines" down for " the safety of the people". (wink wink)
"President Obama said Thursday that he will meet next week with officials from the Labor Department and Mine Safety and Health Administration to get their assessment of Monday's blast at the Upper Big Branch coal mine in West Virginia, where at least 25 miners were killed."Officials are expected to discuss what could be done to prevent future disasters, the White House said.Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis, who will attend the White House meeting, said, "Every mine explosion is preventable, and it is the responsibility of the mine operator to ensure the health and safety of the miners at all times -- not just when MSHA inspectors are present."
Lawmakers this week also promised hearings to explore what actions the mine's owner and federal regulators took before the explosion."We intend to look into this tragedy and convene hearings at the appropriate time," House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.) said in a statement Tuesday.Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), who co-sponsored a 2006 measure that instituted major mine safety reforms after a Sago, W.Va., mine blast that killed 12, said he hoped to learn more about how the MSHA assigns inspectors."We have to make sure we have our people positioned for inspections appropriate to the risk," Isakson said.He noted, however, that after Sago, lawmakers waited until the completion of investigations before introducing legislation. "I think the same should be called for now," he said.Whatever the next steps, regulatory practices are too crisis-focused, government and regulatory experts said Thursday.continued
I'm sure Obama and friends can "fix it" by "taking it over" like they've "fixed" everything else they touch. Like the unemployment numbers and such, he's doing such a great job there since his so called "Porkulus program" right?
What was the deal again he said?
"Pass this bill and unemployment will never exceed 8%."
What's unemployment now? Near double that in many places. Great Job mr "President". Can't wait until you "fix" this too!!

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