> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: OUT WITH THE TRAITORS! - (Dick Morris.com)

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 26, 2010

OUT WITH THE TRAITORS! - (Dick Morris.com)

 I sign up for the emails of most all conservatives I like reading, although I don't know how he, Dick Morris,  goes from working for Clinton and being half of the loony lib smear merchant team  known as "Slick and Dick" on one day to being a conservative lib watchdog like he is?... but,...after thinking, I may have just answered my own question. Sorry.

But him having taken up residence with the Clinton's right there in the "belly of the hilda- beast", I like his views on how to wipe these people out politically. David Horowitz is another great double agent who knows the "inside baseball" and the below the surface secrets of modern aged communists since both his parents were devout commie Trotsky's.

This little column on the front page of his website also went out as an email (I don't normally post emails from our side and make it easier for these people to know what's happening, f em, they can sign up and get it that way)  in fairness I moan and groan when liberals capitalize on despair or controversy to raise money,  and did just that a couple posts down the line here. 

But .......on the other hand, this point of view I totally agree with, so I guess "I was against it before I was for it" or is it "I was for it before I was against it?", I can't remember, but anyhow..since that's ok for liberals to pull out any time it's handy in a jam, in this case what's "good for the loon is good for the gander".

So I'm changing the rule for this one.we'll switch it back when we feel like it ! BTW gt;) He's kinda timid in this, but you'll get the "gist" of it.....

"Scott Murphy of New York, Suzanne Kosmas and Alan Boyd of Florida, Betsy Markey of Colorado, Dennis Kucinich and John Boccieri of Ohio and Glenn Nye of Virginia – a partial list of the traitors who switched their votes in the House from no to yes on Obamacare. Another, Gordon of Tennessee voted no when running for re-election and then switched to yes when he retired rather than face defeat, so he is beyond our reach.

We need to make a point of defeating these traitors in 2010! That is what democracy is for.

We know who they are. We know where their districts are located. And we will all come looking for them in November.

These deceitful men and women voted “no” when their votes didn’t count in November of 2009, seeking to fool us into believing that they had our interests at heart. But, when push came to shove and their votes counted, they switched and ran their true colors up the flagpole and voted yes.

Yes for a $500 billion cut in Medicare. Yes for federal bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who dies. Yes for raising Medicaid eligibility and making states pay for it, forcing tax increases throughout the nation. Yes for big hikes in federal income and capital gains taxes. Yes for making young people pay $8500 for an individual and $12,500 for a family to buy health insurance way beyond their needs…or fining them 2.5% of their incomes for failing to do so…or for prison time if they do neither. Yes for taxing medical devices like arterial stents, prosthetic limbs, and automated wheelchairs. Yes for slashing subsidies to Medicare Advantage for the elderly. Yes for rationing of health care as the number of patients grows while the population of doctors shrinks.

And, most importantly, yes for forcing Congress to face a cruel choice: Cut Medicare or raise the deficit.

These seven Congressmen deserve to be exposed to their voters.

Our job is to tell the voters about their outrageous votes and let the voters decide.

GO HERE NOW to donate to a fund to bring the voters in their districts the full story.

Thank you for your wonderful help in our efforts to defeat this iniquitous bill! We fought it tooth and nail. Now we must focus on recapturing Congress so that we can roll back its provisions and stop the wholesale destruction of the best health care system in the world."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray,
         If I remember correctly, Dick Morris actually worked for Reagan (or another GOP member) before he worked for Clinton. But overall I like Morris because it seems like he has a clue as to how conservatives can best defeat liberals.

  2. Well, I did not know that, (remember Johnny when he used to say that to Ed back in the good old days gone forever along with the country at this pace... :(   And yes he does..as long as people listen

    Like this commenting better than the other or No Teresa ?


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