> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Neglected by 'lazy' nurses, Kane Gorny, 22, dying of thirst rang the police to beg for water | Government Health Care! Neato!

Today's world headlines

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Neglected by 'lazy' nurses, Kane Gorny, 22, dying of thirst rang the police to beg for water | Government Health Care! Neato!

This is about what you can expect the US healthcare system to look like more and more if and when it becomes "Obama WelfareCare", as we know happens to everything the government gets their red tape stained fingers all over.

Stories like this one where a 22 year old dies of thirst while under the care of an lazy assed Government Nurse while in the hospital! This man called the cops to get a freaking glass of water for cripes sake.....If she wasn't getting him freaking water, can you imagine all the other **** they were ignoring.  This is how many of our nursing homes are which is nothing to be proud of, but not most of our hospitals, the ones that aren't being bankrupted by illegal aliens at least.
 Mail Online: "A man of 22 died in agony of dehydration after three days in a leading teaching hospital.

Kane Gorny was so desperate for a drink that he rang police to beg for their help.

They arrived on the ward only to be told by doctors that everything was under control.

The next day his mother Rita Cronin found him delirious and he died within hours.

She said nurses had failed to give him vital drugs which controlled fluid levels in his body. 'He was totally dependent on the nurses to help him and they totally betrayed him.'" continued here

By the way, here's even more wonderful "government run healthcare" stories for you from the United Kingdom who's system is probably the best ........of the worst...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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