> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: 5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing? Time To Re Locate From Gitmollinois

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing? Time To Re Locate From Gitmollinois

Especially now considering I live in one of the most treasonous states in the Union which produced America's first Manchurian President. So as we stand today, these 5 states just made the list of my next state of residence as soon as we can all feel safe once Obama and congress are safely removed one way or another, and a more trustworthy government (if even possible with the 2 parties we have today)  is in place

Then we move and then we work to make sure this never happens EVER again.

In fact were I in charge anyone who voted for Obama would have their voting rights yanked,  but since we know that can't and won't happen, we need to make damn sure we're the "silent Majority no more". As it's time for us all to become the "loud and obnoxious majority that takes no prisoners" (except for Club Gitmo residents, where this treasonous 111th Congress should be forced to retire),

And most important of all, taking "NO MORE BULLSHIT from the moronic class of this country until they learn something about the country they obviously didn't when they missed their history and civics courses,  which the liberal's who've taken over our schools have turned into "STD maintenance 101" and other assorted left wing propaganda.

If they want to count,  then they need to educate themselves before voting the next time, because they really &*(^%(*^ it up this time..In fact so badly was this choice made that Obama makes president George W Bush look like freaking John Adams...... and that's one helluva feat alright.

I personally don't think Vladimir Putin would be any worse than the crap this man has introduced to America.

  Map showing 5 states adopting gun exemptions (in green)

5th state exempts guns. Is Washington noticing?

"A fifth state – South Dakota – has decided that guns made, sold and used within its borders no longer are subject to the whims of the federal government through its rule-making arm in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and two supporters of the growing groundswell say they hope Washington soon will be taking note.

South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds has signed into law his state's version of a Firearms Freedom Act that first was launched in Montana. It already is law there, in Tennessee, Utah and Wyoming, which took the unusual step of specifying criminal penalties – including both fines and jail time – for federal agents attempting to enforce a federal law on a 'personal firearm' in the Cowboy State.

According to a report in the Dakota Voice, the new South Dakota law addresses the 'rights of states which have been carelessly trampled by the federal government for decades.'

'As the federal government has radically overstepped is constitutional limitations in the past year or so, an explosion of states have begun re-asserting their rights not only with regard to firearms, but also in shielding themselves against government health care, cap and trade global warming taxes, and more,' the report said.  

much more here at WorldNetDaily


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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