> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Anger at US builds at Port-au-Prince airport (Excuse Me, Mad At US?)

Today's world headlines

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Anger at US builds at Port-au-Prince airport (Excuse Me, Mad At US?)

"PORT-AU-PRINCE — Anger built Saturday at Haiti's US-controlled main airport, where aid flights were still being turned away and poor coordination continued to hamper the relief effort four days on.

'Let's take over the runway,' shouted one voice. 'We need to send a message to (US President Barack) Obama,' cried another.

Control remained in the hands of US forces, who face criticism for the continued disarray at the overwhelmed airfield.

Dozens of French citizens and dual Haitian-French nationals crowded the airport Saturday seeking to be evacuated after Tuesday's massive 7.0 earthquake, which leveled much of the capital Port-au-Prince.

But at the last minute, a plane due to take them to the French island of Guadeloupe was prevented from landing, leaving them to sleep on the tarmac, waiting for a way out.

'They're repatriating the Americans and not anyone else,' said Charles Misteder, 50. 'The American monopoly has to end. They are dominating us and not allowing us to return home.'"  continued

This is why I sometimes simply can't stand seeing our great and selfless country go to bat for all these people in these times of their most crucial need, and that's because on any other given day, they're blaming us for all the world's ills including theirs, when in fact were it not for American money and action instead of the empty bullshit promises from everywhere else in the world,  this half of Hispaniola island will be nothing but corpses by Tuesday God forbid.

More remarks like this get out from there, and the overly generous money and aid spigot might just shut down, so if the people there don't believe the way that woman does, then they'd  better speak up and out soon, because all I hear coming from that place (with the exception of their president personally thanking Americans and America which I blogged about is noise and typical "blame America" bullshit.

A French citizen pleads with a soldier as she waits to find out if she can board a French air force plane

 You're damn right we are, you people chose to be living or visiting there,  so then have your home country come get your sorry asses in between American aid flights coming and going.  These people are alive and safe yet they complain because of the aid planes coming in are taking priotrity and then when they leave they leave with Americans. 

So until the next country steps up and takes over this mess,  American Planes will continue taking American citizens away from that hellhole until they're gone, and that includes the airport which we're in charge of because we're the only ones in this freaking Hemisphere besides Canada  that can do it.

Oh, so they expect us to leave Americans on the tarmac to starve so they don't, with our planes and money for the most part running that show down there since the host country can't,  I see.  So then let the French take over this entire operation then instead of our soldiers, send our people home and watch that place deteriorate even further if even possible.

Half these people are French to begin with, so France should be charged for everything we do since they complain so much.

Any other country willing to take the job gets it I say..

That line will be a short one as usual.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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