This was informative in many ways and yes the weapons do what they were created to do and that is kill. and as Callirose said, it's when put in the wrong hands where the problems's called parenting, that's not the fault of the gun industry ..If half these children had decent family lives they wouldn't be in the streets firing off AK 47's now would they?
Ban assault weapons and then next it's 45's and next 38's and on and on. The first ban never should have passed in the first place.
And furthermore, if our forefathers heard someone was banning their weapons they would do what we're doing, fight for them..It's only them which separates us from governmental tyranny.
That was my comment over at the local NBC 5 outlet in response to a report on Guns that while informative for non gun owners was for the most part in my view blaming the Chicago gun violence more on the industry the inner city where they're doing the most damage when we all know the real reasons...more PC kills stuff....Here is the report you can see for yourself....Kim Vatis Channel 5
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