> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Holder In Congress on The "KSM - NYC 911 Terrror Circus" He's Bringing To Broadway (video)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Holder In Congress on The "KSM - NYC 911 Terrror Circus" He's Bringing To Broadway (video)

This is Holder explaining his decision which the entire world of prosecutors and those most familiar with 911 including Rudy Giuliani who think this is the most egregious error ever made in the history of wartime prosecutions ...He does go out of his way to mention that we're in a war with these extremist Muslims at least..

He goes on to say "there is a long history of terrorist trials taking place outside of Military installations and courtrooms although provides no direct examples. etc. It covers his positions and will be useful later if this all God forbid blows up in his and thus our faces down the long road of a three year distraction that would be over in a week down at Club Gitmo.

so I guess the next step since he's not in denial publicly at least is to start acting like we're at war, like stop lighting up the White House different colors on Halloween and stuff like that... Some great questioning came from Jeffery Sessions and I hope that video becomes available throughout the afternoon with others related to these hearings today

This was the best I could come up with from that segment of the speech he made


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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