No wonder the world is growing sick of the American Idol President as are many Americans who voted him into office....(me not included of course)
In fact he's on the damn TV as I type this post somewhere in Michigan talking about this new Obama "jobs saved" stat ......which really means nothing when the unemployment lines get longer and longer. It's just a good thing Simon Cowell isn't voting for Obama to continue wrecking the country as he and his congress are doing at breakneck speed.
He'd be toast.
Now This from the New York Post.....
President Obama has appeared on TV over 3 times as much as Bush and Clinton combined:
"WASHINGTON -- During his first eight months in office, President Obama has sat down for three times as many television interviews as his most recent two predecessors combined.
And with yesterday's run of the Sunday-morning news show circuit and tonight's airing of 'Late Night with David Letterman,' Obama continues to blaze through the media hotter than any political figure in modern history.
'He's turning the presidency into an infomercial,' warned former White House speechwriter Matt Latimer. 'It's not just damaging to the White House. It will also ultimately hurt President Obama's image as a fresh, non-Washington leader.'" read more

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