Don't Expect America to Fix It All!!!
Get it, got it, Good!
That being us, the citizenry of these great United States Of America are damn sick and tired of carrying the world on our financial, military and charitable backs and tired it's high time these Euro Peeons and others who have no compunction telling what to do and not to do start ante-ing up some real dough for all the things we do for these mostly ungrateful governments and some of their equally ungrateful citizens!
I mean, a great example is that President George Bush with the leadership of our fine and unmatched Military along with our cabbage (dough) freed Fifty Freakin Million Muslims from despotic terror driven regimes and what do we get in return?
A bunch of whining and bitching from that community and not one damn penny in return from these oil rich sandboxes around the Middle East....NADA!!! Squat Diddle!!!
Another instance we can point to is the fact that we have these gallant troops of ours stationed all over the flippin' world protecting Europe, Asia and the Middle east and elsewhere, yet all we ever hear day after day and year after year from most of these governments and some citizenry (liberals) is whining and complaining about how WE do things here in this country...
Never a "thank you" or "we love you Americans", nothing but bitching.
Like I said to Prince Charles yesterday regarding his statement that "we should all give up our cars for public transportation and walking" I'm saying in a less combative way than what President Obama conveyed yesterday to the world
In addition I also say to the complaining and demanding world around us.....either Ante up some bread and thank you's for all the crap we do to keep the world solvent and safe.......... or STFU!
Obama to world: Don't expect America to fix it all: "NEW YORK (AP) - In a blunt challenge to his nation's critics, President Barack Obama says world leaders who once accused the United States of acting alone must now join with him to solve global crises rather than 'wait for America' to lead.
It is Obama's first address to the U.N. General Assembly, and he is seeking to set a new tone in U.S. relations—one that separates his administration from the unilateralism of his predecessor, George W. Bush, which alienated many nations." read more

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