This is what former VP Dick Cheney, who by virtue of his lifelong public service is about 250 more times qualified to be the president than the present individual remarkably chosen last November, had to say about the Eric Holder Obama administration decision to still continue to harass the men and women in the CIA for doing their jobs too well.
Heroes and regular folks out there in the CIA, FBI and other intelligence services who basically both live and DIE in order to keep us and our great country free from the same attacks we suffered on 911 and Pear Harbor as well for that matter....
Heroes and regular folks out there in the CIA, FBI and other intelligence services who basically both live and DIE in order to keep us and our great country free from the same attacks we suffered on 911 and Pear Harbor as well for that matter....
The Weekly Standard: "Former Vice President Dick Cheney gave The Weekly Standard a statement Monday night about the CIA documents and the coming Justice Department investigation.The documents released Monday clearly demonstrate that the individuals subjected to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al Qaeda. This intelligence saved lives and prevented terrorist attacks.
These detainees also, according to the documents, played a role in nearly every capture of al Qaeda members and associates since 2002. The activities of the CIA in carrying out the policies of the Bush Administration were directly responsible for defeating all efforts by al Qaeda to launch further mass casualty attacks against the United States.
The people involved deserve our gratitude.
They do not deserve to be the targets of political investigations or prosecutions.
President Obama’s decision to allow the Justice Department to investigate and possibly prosecute CIA personnel, and his decision to remove authority for interrogation from the CIA to the White House, serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this Administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security.

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