Look listen and learn all the folks out amongst us still fooled about the true intentions of the radical ideologue Obama, a true Marxist at heart with a updated act and different face on it... Jake Tapper had this on his great blog yesterday but I just caught it today which talks about the rebirth of an Obama documentary from 16 years ago : (
Political Punch: "In October 1993, a relatively unknown 32-year-old lawyer and community activist sat down for a 12-minute interview for a documentary about African-American role models.
The film went nowhere, but the interview with that lawyer – Barack Obama – is now part of a new 55-minute film called “Becoming Barack: Evolution of a Leader.”""My general view about politics and running for office is that if you end up being fortunate enough to have the opportunity to serve, it is because you got a track record of service in the community,” Mr. Obama says in the 1993 interview.
“And I think right now, I am still building up that track record and if it, a point comes where I think that I might do more good in a political office. I might think about it, but that time is certainly in the future." continued

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