> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Previously Unseen Obama Video Interview from 1993 to be Given New Life

Friday, August 7, 2009

Previously Unseen Obama Video Interview from 1993 to be Given New Life

Look listen and learn all the folks out amongst us still fooled about the true intentions of the radical ideologue Obama, a true Marxist at heart with a updated act and different face on it... Jake Tapper had this on his great blog yesterday but I just caught it today which talks about the rebirth of an Obama documentary from 16 years ago : (

Political Punch: "In October 1993, a relatively unknown 32-year-old lawyer and community activist sat down for a 12-minute interview for a documentary about African-American role models.

The film went nowhere, but the interview with that lawyer – Barack Obama – is now part of a new 55-minute film called “Becoming Barack: Evolution of a Leader.”"

"My general view about politics and running for office is that if you end up being fortunate enough to have the opportunity to serve, it is because you got a track record of service in the community,” Mr. Obama says in the 1993 interview.

“And I think right now, I am still building up that track record and if it, a point comes where I think that I might do more good in a political office. I might think about it, but that time is certainly in the future." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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