A place of which I personally would love to see either imploded or tipped right into the East River, simply adds to the rage over what occurred last week between he and the Scottish government and British so called leader Gordon Brown and pushes more hurt in the faces of the Lockerbie victims' families and loved ones.
What won't we let in this country nowadays is beyond belief to me on most days and these kind of decisions are why.
However, America opens her arms and gates to just about any walking and talking disease nowadays so I guess allowing the murdering despot and Libyan dictator to bring his western hating caravan here should come as no surprise to anyone anymore.
The most angering thing to me is that the mansion is actually Libyan owned! So in many ways we have no real way to stop this from occurring.
And by the way this is the actual under construction mansion in Englewood, New Jersey that the Killer Colonel wishes to park his Muslim tent circus in the upcoming coming month.....

My Way News "ENGLEWOOD, N.J. (AP) - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi will set foot on U.S. soil for the first time next month when he comes to address the U.N. General Assembly. Now he wants to put down stakes in the middle of American suburbia.
Plans to set up a tent and allow him to stay at a Libyan-owned estate in this upscale community 12 miles north of Manhattan were attacked Monday by neighborhood residents and public officials, particularly after the hero's welcome Libya extended last week to the lone man convicted in the 1988 bombing of Pan American Flight 103.
The attack over Lockerbie, Scotland, thought to be the work of Libyan intelligence, killed all 259 people on board the flight, including 33 from New Jersey. Abdel Baset al-Megrahi was freed from a life sentence in a Scottish jail and returned to Libya on compassionate grounds because he is dying of cancer." continued here

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