along with growing discontent over job losses will have the GOP scoring big next year, analysts predict.
I have a few words for all democrats along with a few of the minuscule and mostly neutered republican contingent presently in Washington including Obama ...and that is this.....
See Ya ......wouldn't wanna be ya in about 14 months......
You're all done... so stick that proverbial fork in all these turkeys and send em home weeping for the betterment of all our America. It belongs to us and not this elitist ruling class that seems to have forgotten who the bosses are in this place.........and that's of course you and I.
Political News It's no secret that mid-term elections are generally unfavorable to the party in control of the White House. But some say the public backlash to Democrats' health care reform plans, along with growing discontent over job losses and the way stimulus money is being spent, prove Democrats have substantial challenges ahead in 2010."
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is taking a cautious view of the 2010 mid-term elections, but analysts predict the GOP will score big next year.
It's no secret that mid-term elections are generally unfavorable to the party in control of the White House. But some say the public backlash to Democrats' health care reform plans, along with growing discontent over job losses and the way stimulus money is being spent, prove Democrats have substantial challenges ahead in 2010.
"Right now I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats lost anywhere from 15 to 25 seats in the House," said David Wasserman, an editor with the Cook Political Report.
But Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., who chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, has been preparing for a tough fight in 2010 and urging his party colleagues to do the same.
"Way back in January, we made it clear to our members on the Democratic side -- get ready, fasten your seat belts, because this is going to be a tough cycle," he said. "And the good news for us is they've been preparing from day one."
But Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., suggested Democrats have dug their own holes.
"It's a combination of the work they've done and where they're going," he said. "But it's also about arrogance -- the arrogance of not listening to constituents."
New polling shows Democrats are failing to connect with a key group of voters. According to a recent Gallup Poll, a whopping 70 percent of independents now disapprove of how the Democrat-controlled Congress is doing its job, while just 22 percent say they approve. The poll of 1,010 adults was taken Aug. 6-9 and had a 4-point margin of error.
The numbers raise questions about whether the party that rallied supporters to the polls in the last two congressional elections is losing its luster now that its members are in control.
"Democrats were great at selling this broad message of change in 2008, and now they're having trouble selling the specifics because they can't seem to agree on them," Wasserman said.
Even if Democrats win enough seats to maintain control of both chambers in Congress, there is still a downside for the party. Unlike Bill Clinton in 1996, President Obama would not have a Republican Congress to blame in 2012 should his ambitious initiatives stall.
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