> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Speaks of Gates Arresting Officer, Who BTW Tried To Save Celtic Reggie Lewis

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama Speaks of Gates Arresting Officer, Who BTW Tried To Save Celtic Reggie Lewis

See the headline's video here as embedding has been disabled..

This story getting more attention now that Obama used it as an example in one of his answers last night which I have to admit was one of Obama's lighter moments on a pretty heavy subject.

Anyone reading here can attest that I dislike the man's policies and am in no way going soft on him, but this was good.... as the arrest of this professor he is speaking to and of up in Cambridge Mass at Harvard University is a real clusterf*ck it now appears. (Professor Gate's Reaction Uncut)

And for Obama to openly chide a police officer of any persuasion from any department by calling them stupid sure doesn't help things, and is way out of line as no charges have been filed and actually retracted as mistakes happen and it so happens this looks like one of many.

Friend BluePitBull feels Obama did a fine job revealing that radical side he keeps hidden most of the time.

Obama: Police Acted 'stupidly' in Scholar Arrest: "President Barack Obama said during a press conference that police acted "stupidly" in the arrest of prominent black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and despite racial progress blacks and Hispanics are still singled out unfairly for arrest. (July 22) "


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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