> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah "Assaholah" Khamenei Calls For Rigged(?) Investigation

Monday, June 15, 2009

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah "Assaholah" Khamenei Calls For Rigged(?) Investigation

A rigged investigation for what appears was a rigged election, sounds kind of ACORNish to me.

How much can you trust a man or men who gained power by storming the American embassy and holding it under siege for 444 days, thanks of coarse to American leadership weakness in place the last time this discombobulated of an American President managed to make the scene.

All kinds of good and bad things could come of this, we can on one hand hope the Iranian youth finally decide this is their time and have a counter revolution of their led by this man....Mir Hossein Mousavi who was reported to have been under house arrest over the weekend.

Or it could be a bloody "Tiananmen Square" like crackdown up ahead for the brave protesters, seeing Obama was too busy playing golf yesterday (as we reported this morning in a post you'll find a few scrolls down) to do anything bold, like move in with any American clandestine assistance to the uprising that we would have hoped is in place just for an opportunity like this to help topple this mad regime.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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