> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: CNN Poll: Favorable opinion of Dick Cheney on the rise As he Waterboards Obama on Terrorism Today

Today's world headlines

Thursday, May 21, 2009

CNN Poll: Favorable opinion of Dick Cheney on the rise As he Waterboards Obama on Terrorism Today

And that fact is no surprise when we basically saw this afternoon what we didn't see during the last election season. That being someone who knows what they're talking about who's been working effectively in government longer than the Muslim Boy King has been alive explaining to the world why this boy king and his government are doing everything they can do in order to undo the security apparatus the Bush Administration meticulously put together after 911 for one reason and one reason only.

Because they didn't think of it, in order to appease their obnoxious support on the off the charts left they pretend to dismantle it, then put it back together the way it was and claim them as their own brilliant ideas, when it was Cheney and Bush who got it right the first time but the only way to get elected was to kneel down to the nuts and agree that there was only one train of thought that could be adhered to, and that was this:


What a joke.... and it is ridiculous that Obama supporters are so devoid of facts and truth that they can't even recognize the Hop Skip Shuffle that Obama pulls and dupes these people with every day is so sad, that the facts are the democrats whole mantra for the past 2 years has been based on what turns out to be the waterboarding of three lousy radical Islamic Muslim terrorists.

That's it, three lousy bums who were waterboarded a couple hundred times in order to save LA. You'd think a big "Thank You" would be more in order from the left and right coast loons but no, they find themselves more comfortable attacking two patriots like Bush and Cheney instead of some filthy radical Muslim terrorists/.

This is what they've been complaining about the terrorists receiving down at Gitmo

And this is what they both had to say about it today...The Obumbler went first

Then Cheney smacked him around like a red headed muslim stepchild.....

If you weren't able to catch this faceoff this afternoon, Cheney wiped the mat with the Muslim Boy King like somebody shoulda done a long time ago and then this moron would never be sitting in the white house making excuses for Muslim terrorists down in Gitmo living it up

Favorable opinion of Dick Cheney on the rise
Blogs from CNN.com: "WASHINGTON (CNN) — The same day Dick Cheney delivered a major speech on the battle against terrorism, a new national poll suggests that favorable opinions of the former vice president are on the rise.

But the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Wednesday morning, indicates that a majority of Americans still have an unfavorable opinion of Cheney.

Fifty-five percent of people questioned in the poll say they have an unfavorable opinion of the former vice president. Thirty-seven percent say they have a favorable opinion of Cheney, up eight points from January when he left office.

In the past two months the former vice president has become a frequent critic of the new Administration in numerous national media interviews.

“Is Cheney’s uptick due to his visibility as one of the most outspoken critics of the Obama administration? Almost certainly not,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Former President George W. Bush's favorable rating rose six points in that same time period, and Bush has not given a single public speech since he left office.” continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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