> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Original American Porn Queen Found Dead

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Original American Porn Queen Found Dead

At 56 years old it's more than likely her death will be surrounded by some abnormal circumstances As Marilyn Chambers is found dead inexplicably in her LA home today...To show how quickly the porn industry has infected the US it's mostly only been around in film form since her first movie in the early 70's Behind The Green Door.

Now every young child in America can fire up their TV's or internet connections and receive all the porn they could want or need, and that's without even having cable TV nowadays..My how we've progressed....backwards most would say unless of coarse decadence and absence of morality is your thing like about 52% of the population seems to define as progressive.

Adult Star Marilyn Chambers Found Dead

| NBC Los Angeles: "Famed adult film star Marilyn Chambers was found dead in her home in the Canyon Country area, authorities said Monday, and an autopsy was pending to determine how she died.

The 56-year-old Chambers, whose real name was Marilyn Ann Taylor, was found dead around 9 p.m. Sunday in the 16000 block of Vasquez Canyon Road, said Assistant Chief Ed Winter of the coroner's office.

Chambers broke into the porn industry by appearing in the 1972 film 'Behind the Green Door,' which was the first widely released pornographic film in the United States.

Her appearance in the film cost the then-aspiring model and actress her job as Procter & Gamble's Ivory Snow detergent girl, appearing on the soapbox with a baby and the caption '99 & 44/100% pure.'

The Providence, R.I., native had a bit part in the 1970 Barbra Streisand film 'The Owl and the Pussycat,' but after establishing herself as a pornographic film star, she was never able to break into mainstream films.

Copyright City News Service"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Damn, I almost cried when I saw that, she was WAY HOT back in the day, even if she did do interracial

  2. She was a beautiful woman and actually her porn style was pretty tame compared to the shit kids can see today on regular television Fred...


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