> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: CFO of Freddie Mac commits suicide... Can Anyone Say Vince Foster?

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

CFO of Freddie Mac commits suicide... Can Anyone Say Vince Foster?

Must be some bad news coming down the pike from these quarters and I sure would love to see some more attention put on the remaining executives over at this fraud filled institution that's been in the back pocket of Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd along with lining the pockets of Obama buddy and benefactor Franklin Raines all these years with hundreds of millions of dollars.

I guess the stress got to the man who's in charge of the numbers over there, or someone's henchman went to work on him last night because he may hold the keys to the truth of the entire Financial Tsunami that's taken place having worked there for 16 years?

That would be my bet.. but let's see what falls out over the coming days on this one...Could it be the start of a new Washington illness called "Barackacide"? Is it the '90's all over again with the Clinton trail of dead bodies all over the landscape of people who dared to tread to close to the Slick and the Skank?

Here's the Bio page at Freddie Mac on this gentleman and again don't bet a 41 year YOUNG man with a boatload of money, a family and seemingly great job (although at a completely dirty institution) just decided Wednesday was a great day to blow his brains out with no apparent suicide note.

Again seems like a suicide committed back in the Clinton days of that old friend of Hillary who was a lot closer to her than we were told, A Mr Vince Foster....

Rest in peace Mr Kellerman and prayers to your wife, however I don't think this will quietly disappear after his pending funeral as the mess at Dem Run and practically owned Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae gets deeper and deeper.

Police investigating death of Freddie Mac official,
Acting CFO of Freddie Mac commits suicide

- wtop.com:"VIENNA, Va. -- The acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac, David Kellermann, has apparently committed suicide, Fairfax County Police tell WTOP.

Fairfax County Police spokeswoman Mary Anne Jennings says Kellermann, 41, was found at his Hunter Mill Estates home Wednesday morning.

Jennings says police responded to the home after family members called police around 5 a.m.

'We were called from inside the house to come investigate an apparent suicide,' Jennings says.

Because of legal ramifications, Jennings says she can't describe the nature of the suicide.

'We're not to give you details of the condition of the body, except to say it was an apparent suicide,' Jennings says.

A final determination that his death was a suicide will come from a medical examiner.

Neighbors in the Vienna neighborhood where Kellermann lives tell WTOP they are surprised to hear about his suicide.

Kellermann has been with Freddie Mac for more than 16 years.

He was named acting chief financial officer of the agency in September 2008. He took over after Anthony 'Buddy' Piszel resigned.

As CFO, Kellermann is responsible for the company's financial controls, financial reporting and oversight of the company's budget and financial planning.

Freddie Mac has declined to comment."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Great minds think alike, and we are finding out more and more each day we can't trust our government. Why shouldn't we make these connections? They have a lot to hide, and it scares me sometimes thinking that I might be probing into something I shouldn't be getting involved in as I write.

  2. You never know Clay and I'll check you out today as this shit is already out of control as we go Back to the Future with all the Clinton players back in play again. They are following the script already written since Obama is nothing but a puppet and they're pulling the strings.

  3. Can you picture Rahm Emanuel and Barney Frank pulling on Kellerman's dangling legs?

  4. The fat f*&^ Frank's hands are so slimed up with spooge he might stick for a while but Rhambo's greasy palms not for long...I cannot believe the crap these people are getting away with right in plain view PT...


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