> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Barry And Hillary Sitting In A Tree...K i s s -i n g

Today's world headlines

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Barry And Hillary Sitting In A Tree...K i s s -i n g

.......well not exactly, but out back of the White House in name only playing together in their "new sandbox" as the blog writer coined on her post yesterday that contained this cutesy and funny photograph of the two supposed enemies playing footsie's out in the kiddies taxpayer funded 10,000 jungle jim

eems Barry now has a perfect place to go out to have a few smokes and possibly a few tokes with his newfound, top quality g-man weed he's now scoring......and things couldn't be better for the community organizer....

Meanwhile wifey and some neighborhood kids tended to Barry And Michelle's special "Happy Garden" as just another day in the new 'hood on Pennsylvania Avenue passes by for the Jefferson's of the worldwide political scene, "they moving on up" alright.

All the while the world toils in "crisis after crisis" (Barry's favorite word), and the economy fixes itself as he saw "glimmers of hope" int he new job numbers and Wells Fargo gains which is not exactly what the dems were planning nor hoping for, not this soon, thus rendering the Porkulus package unneeded.

Think they'll return the cash they haven't begun using yet? Yea right...and I'm puff the magic dragon.

So now they'll have to figure out how to keep this "recession" thing going so they can milk some more concessions from the moronic portion of the masses on the left still chanting "O Ba Ma O Ba Ma" for the most part as Barry noted yesterday.....
Another busy day at the White House:

The Browntable... First Lady Michelle Obama hosted students from Bancroft High School in Washington, who helped her plant and water the brand-new White House garden. She and Agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack spoke to the students about the healthy fruits and veggies that would grow there. “It’s all brain food,” Obama said. She cheered the kids for bringing good weather and then sent them (and the press) home with cookies.

The weather was so nice in fact, that, after President Obama received his economic briefing and met with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in the Oval Office, the POTUS and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to hold their 4:15 meeting out behind the White House—next to the swing set installed for the Obama girls in March. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. All this and there is American with his life threatened by Islamic pirates. Obama is a coward looking for the constant pathos-based photo-op.

  2. Yea he is keeping his Muslim ass out of the "Mogadishu Blank Hawk Down on the water" episode off his plate and I'm sure it's not ruining his weekend spent with his family and new DC crack smoking political friends like Marion Berry and others....


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