> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: U.S. millions to...the Palestinian Authority While Americans Starve< WTF

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

U.S. millions to...the Palestinian Authority While Americans Starve< WTF

The time has come for these people around the world with their hands out constantly to the US while attacking our interests, our allies, our way of life to fend for themselves as we can no longer afford to take care of peoples who cannot and will not take care of themselves.

Every time I post and speak about the Palestinian people and the incredulous amounts of money we send to these people I simply remind everyone who thinks we should be carrying these deadbeat terrorists on our backs while they use the money we foolishly send them to build tunnels out of and into gaza to smuggle weaponry and ammunition to kill Jews with this video on what these slugs did while our brothers and sisters were dying on 911 inside the burning and collapsing WTC

U.S. millions to...the Palestinian Authority?

(OneNewsNow.com): "A conservative activist and former presidential candidate says it's absolutely ridiculous for the U.S. to commit nearly a billion dollars in aid to Gaza during a recession

Congress still has to agree to the aid package, which allocates $900 million to Gaza. According to news reports, $300 million would be earmarked specifically for urgent humanitarian aid to the region, in the wake of Israel's military response to Hamas terrorist rockets being launched from the area. Another $200 million of the package would help cover budget shortfalls of Mahmoud Abbas's government, with the remaining $400 million for economic reform including private sector and other projects on the West Bank.

Speaking in Egypt, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded to concerns about the recipients of the money.

"We have worked with the Palestinian Authority to install safeguards that will ensure our funding is only used where and for whom it is intended and does not end up in the wrong hands," she said. But Gary Bauer, chairman of American Values, says despite Clinton's assurances, some of the money will wind up in terrorists' hands.

Gary Bauer 1"This is ridiculous," he exclaims. "Look -- we're in the middle of an economic crisis and they're sending nearly a billion dollars of taxpayer money to Gaza where the electorate voted for a party of death, Hamas? And no matter what safeguards they put through, the money ends up in the hands of thugs and terrorists."

This is a clear sign, says Bauer, of what the new administration wants to do in the Middle East. "I believe [that] any member of Congress -- Republican or Democrat -- who claims they are pro-Israel has to vote against sending nearly one-billion taxpayer dollars into Gaza," he argues.

Bauer adds that this terrible waste of taxpayer money should not be allowed to go forward.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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