> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: U.K. Muslims Taking Over The Country, Disrupt British Military Homecoming

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

U.K. Muslims Taking Over The Country, Disrupt British Military Homecoming

These Muslims (there are no moderate Muslims) are the most thankless people on the planet, and as far as I'm concerned the next time they attack this country the whole middle east should be lit up and turned to glass.

Every war and act of terror is attributable to these people who use political correctness to take over other lands like they have in Britain and the US in areas like the entire city of Dearborn MI may as well be declared lost to the Islamic faction within this country.

Your city might be next as I know mine isn't lagging in the race to Islamify America adn the world.

Think I'm kidding,? They're not.

U.K. Muslims disrupt parade for soldiers returning from Iraq

- Haaretz - Israel News: "Britain's defense minister has condemned a group of Muslim anti-war demonstrators who disrupted a parade for soldiers returning home from Iraq.

Police say they arrested two people Tuesday after a small group of Muslims was involved in an unspecified disturbance in the town of Luton, just north of London.

They were protesting a parade of the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment hat has just returned home from service in southern Iraq.
Some of the protesters held placards reading 'Anglian Soldiers Go To Hell' and 'Butchers of Basra,' the BBC reported on Tuesday"

Brits hand these dirty Muslims the business and guess who gets arrested?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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