> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Steele: "I'm Done" With Obama's Crap....Take That And Smoke It Hussein...

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Steele: "I'm Done" With Obama's Crap....Take That And Smoke It Hussein...

This is nice to see that new RNC chairman Michael Steele is showing cajone's of steel telling Mr Hussein Obama to take his snotty and divisive act elsewhere in this video and article released Sunday, as the weak CNN interviewer tries to accuse Steele of jealousy both professional and personally of Barack Hussein Obama coming in with this "Bi Partisan Crap" to Steele as if it's he and the minority republicans who are acting this way.

When it's these democrats who have the majority party that have been passing these massive budgets and bills, along with changing 100 year old rules of the house excluding republicans from debate on legislation since 2006 only including republicans for cover when this all goes south and the country falls apart so they don't take all the blame. Nancy Pelosi is the epitome of partisanship and this one article proves it without a doubt, the rusty Battle Axe she is.

I can't believe there are people out there that are so dis-attached from what's going on in the world that they would fall for these little media set ups and games they play, protecting Obama and the democrats while the country drowns in trillions of dollars of debt that they themselves have created and now singularly own, as none of this has a damn thing to do with anything related to George Bush, nada' dollar..

Not to mention this interviewer trying to stir up racial animosities as well by suggesting Steele isn't being a "Good Ni**er" while opposing Obama and his radical agenda, (although Steele is the true Black man between the two) even though he's the damn RNC chair and isn't hired to kiss Obama's half white backside in the first place. Yet the interview insinuates that he's again not being a loyal "brother" to the half white Obama by not siding with his agenda yet he's a Republican, so he's gonna side with that agenda as the ones that do are RINO's!

Then the left tries to paint Steele and the interview in a negative light for their herds of sheep out there so they can bounce that around the liberal rubber room known as the blogosphere over there for a couple days. So let that bullet in the rubber start ricochetin'.

Steele: "I'm Done" Reaching Out To Obama....
huffpo "RNC Chairman Michael Steele said he is 'done' reaching out to the president, having apparently been rebuffed in his previous attempts to start a dialogue. In an interview with CNN that aired over the weekend, the Maryland Republican said he could detect no bipartisanship coming from the White House, stating that Barack Obama 'has got a little thing about me that I haven't quite figured out.'

The remarks were a new installment in yet another bizarre interview given by the Republican National Committee chair. As aired earlier, Steele told CNN that he would contemplate a presidential run if God told him the time was right. He also claimed to have strategically planned his squabble with Rush Limbaugh, in which he called the radio talk show host's work incendiary and ugly."

They just won't quit on this Limbaugh crap and truth is they've had numerous democrats telling them over there at Huffpo to lay off this angle as all it's doing is increasing Limbaugh's reach and ratings. So we say stay at your little game because we know runs things and who gives a damn what the democrats say about who runs the party?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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