> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Savage This Week In Top Form Railing On Behalf of Dead Cops, Spoke For Me with this rant...

Today's world headlines

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Savage This Week In Top Form Railing On Behalf of Dead Cops, Spoke For Me with this rant...

He cut into the politicians out west in particular who are the reason these 4 cops are dead, they reasoning being that they froze at the moment of truth because of all the damn liberals who tie our soldiers and police officers hands behind their backs because they're all too afraid they will be hung out to dry for shooting a minority or some supposed innocent citizen when 99.99999 of the time they are correct in what they do.

Everybody makes a mistake while making split second decisions and many of them are now afraid to make them and they end up dead instead of shitheads like this rapist scum

The country is being paralyzed by reverse racism and race opportunism by some within the African American communities as their most angry and exploitative members are the proverbial few that sadly that spoil the whole bunch as is the case with all of humanity.

And frankly this Chicagoan is so sick of it all, and truthfully I feel exactly the same way Savage sounded while attending the city memorial for these brave fallen policemen dedicating his entire show the funeral along with most of the week as well.

And the rant that he let loose while doing his show during that the memorial service and funeral every American should hear, so if you had not heard this the other day do listen and pay heed to it, as our country has been hijacked by people who could care less about it's direction 10 years down the road from all different walks

As there are millions of highly productive and grateful African Americans who love our country and the people in it. Those who don't waste their days and nights trying to figure ways to screw the system, blaming anyone and everything they can manage to get away with and spread their hatred for men and women of all colors but particularly the Caucasians, and have no compunction whatsoever to let the world around them know it.

And they certainly showed that demonstrating and celebrating the deaths of 4 police officers no less who are also made up of African Americans.

Like this article seen on a the San Francisco Bay View, billing itself as the nations "Black Newspaper" Look at the headline of this fricking article...click to read that blame whitey shit, and that picture by the way is the rapist killer who didn't look like that when they peeled him off the streets after murdering 4 cops in cold blood.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. I caught the comments of some dipsh*t justifying these killings. He kept referring to oppression of "Africans." All I kept thinking was, why not ship your ass back to the old continent, then?

    Of course, it's all just talk. That jackass wouldn't last 5 minutes in Africa.


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