> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Plane Crashes Montana and Japan, DUI Cop Kills 4 In St Louis Car Accident

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 23, 2009

Plane Crashes Montana and Japan, DUI Cop Kills 4 In St Louis Car Accident

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FAA: Kids among 14 to 17 dead in MT plane crash

Patriot 1620 "A small plane _ possibly carrying children on a ski trip _ crashed Sunday as it approached the Butte airport, killing 14 to 17 people aboard, a federal official said. The single engine turboprop nose-dived into a cemetery 500 feet from its destination.

The aircraft crashed and burned while attempting to land, said Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Mike Fergus. The plane crashed in Holy Cross Cemetery.

An investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board offered few details at a press conference in Butte Sunday night. No cause of the crash was given."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. Aircraft crashes are always unfortunate. When the investigation has run its course, the conclusion as to the cause of the accident will be one of several things. The most likely ones are equipment failure, weather and pilot error. However, this only answers the question: What was the cause of accident.

    Unfortunately, the question as to the cause for the deaths of the passengers and crew is never addressed.

    Cars are designed with crashworthiness in mind. Portions of the car will deform to absorb the energy of a crash and the portion of the car where the passengers are is designed to stay intact. Airplanes are not. When you see pictures of a plane crash, you often see only a tail, the wheels, maybe an engine or two but the structure that is supposed to protect the passengers is missing, having disintegrated during the crash - it did not protect the passengers.

    An aircraft design that protects passengers in the event of a crash and makes crashes survivable exists. See http://www.burnelli.com/ for more information.


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