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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama Bin Biden Commit A Gaffe Every 5 Days

At least judging by this overseas collection of 10 Youtube videos that average about 1 every six days, Bush wasn't even this prone for idiocy and I'm glad the media around the world are starting to recognize that Obama and his buddy Scranton Joe seem to be both a comedy of errors, along with some fraud and are starting to be a huge mistake for the country and subsequently the world that goes as we go.

The comments there are priceless and surprisingly anti Obama...
Top 10 gaffes by Barack Obama and Joe Biden :: Toby Harnden:

Perhaps Barack Obama was just trying to make Joe Biden feel better by dropping his clanger on Jay Leno. Whatever the President was thinking, 60 days into their new administration it's time for a post-election Obama-Biden Top 10, in reverse order:

10. Just after he's been sworn in by him, the newly-minted Vice President Joe Biden gets the name of Justice John Paul Stephens, "one of the great justices" of the Supreme Court, wrong by calling him "Justice Stewart":

9. Barack Obama jokes about Nancy Reagan having séances in the White House. He later called her to apologise after the AP noted that although she had consulted astrologers, "she did not hold conversations with the dead":

8. Joe Biden forgets the "website number" for the White House internet site designed to show how TARP money is being spent:

7. Barack Obama mixes up the windows and doors at his new home:

6. Joe Biden jokes about Chief Justice John Roberts fluffing the inauguration oath. The president is visibly annoyed with his veep and Biden later apologises:

5. A Marine One double. First, on his maiden Marine One trip Obama breaches protocol and makes life uncomfortable for an enlisted marine by shaking the the serviceman's hand as he's saluting his commander-in-chief:

Then - Gerald Ford, eat your heart out. Barack Obama bangs his head as he boards his helicopter:

4. Joe Biden tells his wife that he had the choice of being either Secretary of State or vice-president - an offer that was news to Obama aides and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when Jill Biden spilled the beans on Oprah:

3. Gordon Brown presents the new President with: a pen holder carved from the timbers of HMS Gannett, a sister ship of HMS Resolute; the commissioning certificate of HMS Resolute; and a seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill. In return, the Prime minister gets 25 DVDS, which don't work in Britain:

2. Joe Biden tells a former Senate colleague who addresses him as "Mr Vice-President" to "give me a f---ing break":

1. The latest one takes the biscuit. Barack Obama jokes about the disabled on the Jay Leno show. Afterwards, he calls the head of the Special Olympics to apologise:


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. You said ITa adn thanks again Jersey, nice to see you around again!!!

    It's only been 50 lousy days, even Bush didn;t fuck up every 5 days like these two morons. And to think too that Bush was derided for his PAST drinking an d drugging yet these two lowlifes are still active users, I did a whole 2 posts on Barry's beer drinking at the Chicago Bulls game he went to, I've posted the Biden Imbibing video a number of times with him drunk singing the Villages song like a moron.

    You got Larry Sinclaire out there claiming gay sex and coke use with Barry and he himself has proudly proclaimed his drug use with that famous he thought cool and funny "I did inhale that was the point" comment/

    My point being how we know they're not fucking up because they are fucked up? Barry spends time with old brothers from the hood back home and I'm guaranteeing he hits the pipe when those times come. He's such a spineless wuss he can't even quit smokin....

  2. Thanks Ray. I've been here reading every post, I just don't always have time to comment. I did see your posts with the beer drinking Barry and Biden the loser. I haven't seen that beer pic anywhere else but here, btw. This moron is such a freaking disgrace and embarrassment, it's pathetic!

    As far as his continued inhaling, I'd believe anything about Barry at this point. All I can say is let's hope he gets a bad batch. Either that, or maybe he'll take up skiing soon. (Sorry, no offense to Natasha Richardson on that one, I just could not resist thinking too bad Barry's head didn't get bumped this past week).

  3. Reading is fine enough thanks for that, and we'll never see Barry skiing as for some strange reason the brutha's don't like the water, frozen or otherwise...Lots of people say to me here in Chicago "oh he doesn't do drugs, no way....the Secret Service wouldn't let him"

    And I say to them "you mean the same secret service that used to line up chicks and drugs for Kennedy and Bubba?"


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