> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Nothing Exudes Fine Dining To Me Like Sitting On Toilets and Eating From Urinals

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nothing Exudes Fine Dining To Me Like Sitting On Toilets and Eating From Urinals

I can't even believe an "idea" like this is even brought to fruition much less even patronized but considering it's in Taiwan then possibly there's something lost in the cultural translation.

But as far as I'm concerned the last place I want to originate a meal I'm paying for is the place where the meal ends up 12 24 hours later or even less time looking at this every time you take a bite of whatever it is their selling....Or a dessert that's supposed to resemble a gift left from Fido on the living room floor or backyard. Thanks but no thanks...

Edible Excretions: Taiwan's Toilet Restaurant -

TIME EXCERPT : "'There's poop everywhere! Y-u-c-k,' says 6-year-old Jordan Lien as he and his family dine at the Modern Toilet, a popular Taiwanese restaurant chain that's expanding into China and other parts of Asia. The boy was looking at the poop-shaped lights and dish covers and the curry on toilet-shaped plates.

Diarrhea for dinner? That's the point. 'It's supposed to shock and confuse the senses,' says Modern Toilet manager Chen Min-kuang. But as Jennifer Finch, an American who was dining there, described it, 'They do it tastefully. It's all very clean.' (See the top 10 food trends of 2008.) full article


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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