But as far as I'm concerned the last place I want to originate a meal I'm paying for is the place where the meal ends up 12 24 hours later or even less time looking at this every time you take a bite of whatever it is their selling....Or a dessert that's supposed to resemble a gift left from Fido on the living room floor or backyard. Thanks but no thanks...

Edible Excretions: Taiwan's Toilet Restaurant -
TIME EXCERPT : "'There's poop everywhere! Y-u-c-k,' says 6-year-old Jordan Lien as he and his family dine at the Modern Toilet, a popular Taiwanese restaurant chain that's expanding into China and other parts of Asia. The boy was looking at the poop-shaped lights and dish covers and the curry on toilet-shaped plates.
Diarrhea for dinner? That's the point. 'It's supposed to shock and confuse the senses,' says Modern Toilet manager Chen Min-kuang. But as Jennifer Finch, an American who was dining there, described it, 'They do it tastefully. It's all very clean.' (See the top 10 food trends of 2008.) full article
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