> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: " I write the songs that make the teens go away.. I write the songs "...Manilow used as teen deterrent?

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

" I write the songs that make the teens go away.. I write the songs "...Manilow used as teen deterrent?

Barry Manilow sure can't feel to good about this and I'll tell you this much as a lifetime raging rock and rolling guitar player to this day I'd rather be locked in a room for a month listening to Barry Manilow than friggin Ice T, Snoop Dogg, Eminem or any other rapping ripoff that simply write profanity laced rhymes to other people's beats and music.

But, they're gonna use Manilow's music to try and drive away teens in New Zealand, and they just might find out they like it and hang around even more is my prediction, his music isn't that bad.

And like I said I'm a classic r&r musician for over 30 years, and my favorite music is Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Molly Hatchet on and on , so I'm no Muzak fan, a company that actually just folded up this week as a matter of fact.

Elevator rides will never be the same...lol

Mall wants Manilow music to drive out unruly teens

My Way News -: "WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - It'll be Barry Manilow versus the mall rats. The New Zealand city of Christchurch hopes that putting the American crooner's smooth and gentle tones into the mix of music to be broadcast through the central mall district can pacify unruly teens who congregate there- or at least convince them to go elsewhere.

'The intention is to change the environment in a positive way ... so nobody feels threatened or intimidated,' Central City Business Association manager Paul Lonsdale told The Associated Press. 'I did not say Barry Manilow is a weapon of mass destruction.'

A group of several dozen young people regularly spread rubbish, spray graffiti, get intoxicated, use drugs, swear and intimidate patrons at the outdoor mall, he said.

The city council, police and local property owners covering 410 businesses agree that 'nice, easy listening' music like Manilow's 'Can't Smile Without You,''Mandy' and other hits might change the behavior of loitering teens.

But one 16-year-old told The Press newspaper that unfashionable music wouldn't deter them.

'We would just bring a stereo and play it louder,' Emma Belcher said.

Lonsdale countered that the city would then hit them with anti-noise laws."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I'm an old rocker myself, Ray. :)

    Manilow is an idiot. Do you remember the Rosie O'Donnell / Elizabeth Hasselbeck war on The View? Manilow is a friend of Rosie's and sided with her then he refused to appear on The View. He did NOT want to sit on the same stage as right-winger Elisabeth Hasselbeck, whose views he called "dangerous."

    Then there were rumors that Manilow & O'Donnell made the whole thing up because he needed publicity for his new CD. Whatever.

    I wouldn't want to be stuck listening to his music for two reasons, the first one being his music sucks, the second more important reason is because he's a bleeding heart liberal weenie.


  2. That's good enough for me Maine and prior to your comment I forgot about Porkzilla O'Donnell and that little move totally. Had I remembered I would've included that in my post,

    I was just evaluating from a musical perspective and comparing him to the rap crap the kids listen to that they're trying to scare away and opting for girlyman Barry. But your right he is a liberal wuss.

  3. I don't think this will work at all. Just like the one girl said, in a typical teen response, they'll just bring their own radios and play their music louder.

    Maine-Woman is right, btw - Manilow is a bleeding heart liberal weenie. I'm definitely no fan of his music either, but I agree with you Ray, I could tolerate listening to that much more than having to listen to so much of the new crap that's out there.



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