> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Freak Skiing Accident Claims Another Celebrity, Natasha Richardson

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Freak Skiing Accident Claims Another Celebrity, Natasha Richardson

First time I ever heard of this type of freak skiing accidents as an avid skier myself was when Sonny Bono, the actor singer, half of the Comedy and singing team who of coarse were also married for a time likely unbeknownst to most kids today who know who Cher is.

Bono later turned into a quite effective and well liked congressman who was strangely killed skiing in his leisure time in January of 1998. (Sonny Bono Killed in Skiing Accident)This was a man mind you who was no rookie to the Aspen and California ski scene, who just went up one afternoon for some skiing fun and exercise who descended down the mountain only to strike a tree and die from the head trauma he received, a freak accident I remember like yesterday.

It was an accident that eerily resembled another skiing accident that killed another well known celebrity and Kennedy heir Michael Kennedy, the 39-year-old son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-N.Y.), as he played football with family members on Dec. 31 1997 along an intermediate-level ski slope in Aspen not more than a week earlier...

Now comes word that this fairly well known and well liked actress and daughter of Hollywood icon Vanessa Redgrave has now been declared brain dead from her injuries in an almost identical accident, although according to witnesses unlike Bono or Kennedy she really didn't appear to hit anything and simply fell only to hardly ever feel right thereafter as the report below from the NY Post explains/ A celebrity who stayed out of scandal and slime like so many others become famous for who instead let her acting ability speak for her. What a shame.

She was also the wife of actor Liam Neeson and today he and his children are obviously quite devestated at the freak loss of their beloved mother and wife. Read the Eternal Curse of the Redgraves here.

Vanessa Redgrave sits with daughters Joely Richardson (left), Natasha Richardson (right)
in t
his 1968 family photo. Natasha Richardson is brain dead - after falling in a ski accident in Canada
- and is now on sad journey home to New York, friends told The Post Tuesday

New York Post: "Actress Natasha Richardson is brain dead - after falling in a ski accident in Canada - and is now on sad journey home to New York, friends told The Post today.

Richardson, who was being treated at a
Montreal hospital, is being transported to New York this afternoon so her mom Vanessa Redgrave, two children and other loved ones can say goodbye before she's taken off life-support, friends said.

Redgrave was in London when the accident happened but arrived in New York today to see her gravely injured daughter, sources said.

Liam Neeson, husband of the Broadway and screen star, left shooting of his movie in Toronto to rush to Richardson's side in Montreal and now on the
trip home.

The British-born Richardson, 45, fell during a private lesson at Mont Tremblant resort yesterday and allegedly told resort employees she felt fine.

But an hour later, she complained of an extreme headache and was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Richardson was on a beginner's slope and reportedly not wearing a helmet when she fell - although headgear is not required.

"She did not show any visible sign of injury but the ski patrol followed strict procedures and brought her back to the bottom of the slope and insisted she should see a doctor," said a statement from the resort, which is almost 80 miles northwest of Montreal.

"Approximately an hour after the incident Mrs. Richardson was not feeling good."

Richardson was initially taken to the Centre Hospitalier Laurentien in Sainte Agathe and was later transferred to Hopital du Sacre-Coeur in Montreal.

The actress - who is the elder daughter of Oscar-winner Vanessa Redgrave and late director Tony Richardson - comes from a long line of noted British players.

Maternal grandparents Michael Redgrave and Rachel Kempson, uncle and aunt Corin Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave are all actors.

Sister Joely Richardson currently has a recurring role in the FX show "Nip/Tuck."

Natasha Richardson was mostly recently on TV as a guest judge on the Bravo hit "Top Chef."

She also appeared in the 1994 movie "Nell" alongside future husband Neeson. They were married a short time later and they have two sons.

The elder son, Michael, 13, was with Richardson on the slopes, while the younger Daniel, 12, was here in New York when the accident happened, friends said.

Richardson reached her Broadway peak in 1998, winning the Tony for playing Sally Bowles in "Cabaret."

Richardson is close friends with her ex-husband Robert Fox and he's expected to be with her today.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Natasha's passing is a shock indeed; it's a reminder that we should live everyday like it's our last

  2. You said a mouthful there Coffee, especially with the country here headed towards full blown servitude to thy government, our days as free men and women are numbered.....Interesting =blog there my friend, you must not get much sleep sampling all that coffee... :>)


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