This Fargo ND community and the difference between their calm and measured response to tragedy, contrary to the clusterfuc* reaction and non reaction by residents and their leaders during Katrina was like black and white. Pun intended.
"Prepare, Prepare, and Prepare some more" was the word and action of these people bonding and becoming ONE in the face of danger, the way America and Americans used to be before all the divisive and mooching non American faction of this country hijacked the land in the misguided name of Political Correctness.
When told to flee by the authorities they fled their homes unlike many in New Orleans who either chose to challenge Mother Nature for whatever their reasons where, mostly lack of emergency money and or pure laziness, it's that simple
When told to flee by the authorities they fled their homes unlike many in New Orleans who either chose to challenge Mother Nature for whatever their reasons where, mostly lack of emergency money and or pure laziness, it's that simple
Everything that made America great, God and Country first and foremost, has given way to the " ME ME AND MORE ME" culture, and the difference again could be seen in the reaction of North Dakota 's planning and execution of calm over the storm and Katrina's resident's and so called community leaders screaming "Where's George Bush and Big Daddy Gubmint when we needs 'em?"
This was more of Katrina's front line response under Mayor Nagin..
Yet in North Dakota we saw people coming together for the better and common good in sub zero temperatures instead of comfy summertime warmth, the respect and love of thy neighbor, friends and family, all coming all together as one to help save their community from further destruction and damage that Mother Nature was imposing upon them. instead of making matters worse ....

Oh what a difference a disaster makes and as I alluded to before the reactions of the communities in the face of disaster and tragedy was black and white, self reliance and responsibility versus someone and everyone's owes me something and that's big daddy and momma gubmint and it's all about ME... ME ....and MORE some places that is...
Fargo gets good news: flood waters appear to crest:
My Way News "FARGO, N.D. (AP) - Fargo's fears of a catastrophic flood eased Saturday with word that the Red River apparently crested at lower-than-expected levels, and weary residents turned their attention to ensuring their hastily built levees hold up against an onslaught of ice-laden water expected to stay high for at least a week.
National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Hudson said the Red River began receding Saturday morning, surprising residents who were bracing for a crest on Sunday. But the river can still fluctuate up to a foot and may remain at dangerous levels for a week, meaning people will still have to wait several days before they are completely safe.
'The best news we can take from this is the river has crested,' Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker said. 'But diligence is going to have to be required for at least eight more days and hopefully things will continue to drop.'
Forecasters say the river is retreating because cold temperatures have been freezing water that normally would be flowing into the river. By the time that water thaws, the biggest flooding threat should have passed, Hudson said."
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