> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Drug tests for welfare recipients"? They'd have to shut the system for that...

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Drug tests for welfare recipients"? They'd have to shut the system for that...

Call me what you want, but were the 50 states to actually implement such a rule, they would end up keeping 75% of the checks every month saving the country billions of dollars. And another thing of interest will be to see who and why would anyone out there object to this rule or requirement?

I'll tell you why some would...., because people out there like JJ Sharpton and Company will argue that this rule is discriminatory, and against who are you wondering? Minorities of coarse, and by arguing this point they will then implicate their very own constituents as substance abusers (whom they continually screw and hold down to keep themselves on top of the heap in the first place) by making that very claim.

One thing I can say is that it should be interesting watching them wiggle and wobble on both sides of this fence..

And of coarse in the end it'll all be blamed on George Bush and notorious "the man" keeping everyone down, that old tired and enabling argument which then of coarse leads to the rampant drug use and alcoholism found in the welfare recipient community. I mean, of coarse it can't be their fault and the out of control substance abuse that keeps them from holding the jobs they don't have, huh?. It's got to be someone else's fault and usually hat someone is Caucasian.

So anyone against this measure being introduced nationwide is essentially against people of all races and colors on welfare cleaning up their acts to get back to work, it's simple as that. Keep following us on this one as I'll be watching it all the way down the line, bet on it.
Hear and see the sponsor of this bill in West VA explain his stance and visit his web site here

States consider drug tests for welfare recipients:

My Way News - "CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - Want government assistance? Just say no to drugs.

Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing.

The effort comes as more Americans turn to these safety nets to ride out the recession. Poverty and civil liberties advocates fear the strategy could backfire, discouraging some people from seeking financial aid and making already desperate situations worse.

Those in favor of the drug tests say they are motivated out of a concern for their constituents' health and ability to put themselves on more solid financial footing once the economy rebounds. But proponents concede they also want to send a message: you don't get something for nothing." continued

Sounds reasonable to me as a former substance abuser of 15 years, college grad and never on welfare or unemployment not once. These people are addicts and lazy, and this will end the free rides.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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