> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Dems Are Lucky UBS Staying Quiet (For Now)?

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dems Are Lucky UBS Staying Quiet (For Now)?

Judging by how many Obama administration bums have avoided paying taxes, my bet would be 90% of the 47,000 tax dodgers with Swiss bank accounts are liberal democrats and this whole dog and pony show has been orchestrated between the two groups to protect one another from ridicule and the public demand for exposure and subsequent prosecution, that simple.

This is all a smokescreen to give the Obama administration the appearance to be going after the so called "rich" who their misinformed and dense constituents miraculously believe are entirely made up of nothing but republicans, when a simple Google search will reveal most all the world's richest people are flaming, card carrying liberal DEMOCRATS.

ALL OF THEM! Starting with Bill gates to the Google creeps and right down to the Clinton's John fraud Kerry to San Fran Nan Piglosi and the entire dem owned congress.

Wake up you morons, you're being played like a harmonica at a hoe down by your so called compassionate leaders named above including Obama as well, the newest addition to the Lear Jet Liberal club. Every day the left re iterates the creation of the word useful idiots by none other than the king of Marxism and their hero Vladimir Lenin to describe the first generation of liberal numbnuts back in WWII era.

Particularly in Hollywood where the commie sympathizers hid and worked until being blackballed from the town that was once a bastion of Real Patriots who loved America and what it provided them and everyone else, BACK THEN. Those same liberal pinko misfits who's venerable offspring are now loudly and proudly carrying the tradition of the bleeding heart, "Meathead Pinko" routine the fictitious Archie Bunker used to make fun of, a group that truly exists throughout the country today in real life. A group of subversives that Bunker if re created for the new millennium would make a fortune ridiculing today if Hollywood wasn't run by PC left wing liberals.

Here's Roll call's list of the top 50 wealthiest congress people and the top of the list is DOMINATED by liberal dems. right there in black and white. Of the top six on the Richest list, five are Democrats. One person missing from that list is the now wealthy beyond imagination Obama by the way who really took the dem donor's dough to a new level of untraceable millions you can bet are parked in UBS accounts galore.

Just look at these self serving, self loving and
self enriching fkers in this pic that I photoshopped
only the words.Pure Scum each and every one of them

UBS: 47,000 American clients avoided taxes -

World business- msnbc.com: "WASHINGTON - UBS AG now says it had about 47,000 accounts held by Americans who didn’t pay U.S. taxes on their assets, but Switzerland’s biggest bank isn’t providing the names of any more of them to the U.S. government.

A Justice Department official said if UBS is found in contempt by a federal judge for refusing to identify the rest of its U.S. clients, the government could proceed with its criminal prosecution of the bank, which has been deferred.

UBS official Mark Branson confirmed the figure of 47,000 accounts as of Sept. 30, at a Senate hearing Wednesday that explored the fight over secrecy and alleged tax evasion."

UBS has accepted responsibility for helping Americans hide assets from the U.S. government and turned over the names of about 300 U.S. clients. But the bank is not giving the Internal Revenue Service the names of all U.S. citizens who maintained secret accounts with the bank.

Branson said nearly all the accounts have been closed and that the bank “has now done all that it can do to cooperate” with the IRS request.

“UBS cannot disclose information to the IRS that would put its employees at serious risk of criminal prosecution under Swiss law,” said Branson, who is the chief financial officer of the bank’s global wealth management and Swiss bank division in Zurich.

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of a Senate investigative subcommittee, said that despite UBS “being caught red-handed,” the Swiss government is fighting the IRS request and defending the country’s banking secrecy.

The conduct that UBS engaged in, including tricks to thwart the IRS from tracing Americans’ funds in Switzerland, “actively facilitates tax evasion (and) amounts to a declaration of war by offshore secrecy jurisdictions against honest, hardworking taxpayers,” Levin said at the hearing by the panel of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

“We cannot allow an environment to develop where wealthy individuals can go offshore and avoid paying taxes with impunity,” said IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman.

The Obama administration is “committed to taking aggressive action on offshore tax abuse,” Shulman testified.

UBS, meanwhile, announced that former Swiss President Kaspar Villiger will replace Peter Kurer as chairman of the bank’s board next month in an effort to restore its profitability and deal with the growing controversy over the U.S. tax issue.

In a cross-border battle, the IRS has been trying to pry from UBS the names of wealthy Americans who maintain secret accounts with the bank. UBS maintains that turning over the account names would violate Swiss privacy law and jeopardize its license to stay in business.

The Swiss government — which is providing financial support to UBS as it struggles with massive losses stemming from the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis — refused to send a representative to Wednesday’s subcommittee hearing in protest of the IRS lawsuit against the bank.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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