> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Widfire Terrorism A Hard To Prevent Reality, Rad Muslims Responsible

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Widfire Terrorism A Hard To Prevent Reality, Rad Muslims Responsible

And truthfully I say as long as radical Muslims are out there taking credit for and encouraging the eco terror route as they are presently doing, we can and should only fairly assume radical (meaning most) Muslims are responsible for these occurrences and therefore should face intense scrutiny and identification measures unlike other more peaceful groups to government officials than any other groups of people amongst us, pure and simple/

Freedom loving societies like ours and Australia's shouldn't be burdened anymore by the bankrupting and excessive security costs and measures that can be slashed easily by 90% by simply confining the excess security on those of which it belongs!! JUst stop the ridiculous PC garbage forced upon cultures unnecessarily today by small but loud numbers of liberals that's costing western cultures trillions of dollars all because of some easily identifiable radical Muslims, and these Muslims know this and are exploiting it to bankrupt us and it's working.

Wake up American and the West, when is enough going to be enough I ask ?

We're all bankrupt from this PC bullshit and it's simply time for these draconian measures :

Radical Muslims with any smidgen of police records or even contact with authorities must line up over here, everyone else over here. Done end of story. You don't like that Policy Muhammad and Achmed, then you just drive, walk, run or take the very next available boat or train to get back where Muslims who hate the west, Jews and Christians all belong, and that's with other radical terror loving Muslims back in the Middle East, not here in the most free Christian Judeo principled country and citizenry in the world.


This policy will equal tens of billions of dollars and billions of hours saved of our precious time and money that we've expended since 9-11. These drastic times call for drastic measures and these are the most drastic times economically we've ever seen and an attack right now will paralyze the country and you can bet your asses one is on the horizon.

It appears that these fires were started by radical Muslims without a doubt and it's likely the ones we see in our country are often being started by them as well, it's just that everyone's afraid to say anything and I'm not and I'm sick of ignoring the truth like morons.

They burn churches, they burn flags so why not forest fires and other arson activities? It's as simple and anonymous a way to eliminate people and property as there is known to man. Again they're the ones openly taking responsibility and calling for these actions, so let's hold them and their culture responsible and stop inconveniencing everyone else because Muslims say it's unfair.

NO! What's unfair is civilized people suffering everyday for the uncivilized and Islamic Muslims turn out exponentially more uncivilized people than any other. Cut and dry.

Here's a Homeland security bulletin which I get in my email box daily all the way back from January 15th threatening this very thing, what do you know, a few weeks late voila, here it happens ....surprise? No.

Here's an article today in Australia saying basically the very same thing. When is America and the world going to quit playing this deadly pc game with Muslims when common sense says they are hell bent on America and the Wests' destruction, and they're now doing it to us on two fronts, through airliner disruption and and bankrupting security measures, and now through equally bankrupting forest fires and murderous arson...

Australian official: Wildfire deaths will pass 200

(OneNewsNow.com): "HEALESVILLE, Australia- Authorities searching for answers to the carnage from the worst wildfires in Australia's history said Tuesday they would rethink policies that allow residents to decide for themselves whether to evacuate their homes. An official said he expected the death toll to exceed 200.

Authorities defended their preparation and actions during the fires that swept unchecked across southeastern Australia last weekend, saying the weather conditions were so extreme that it was almost impossible to avoid some level of catastrophe. The official death toll currently stands at 181.

But they agreed all current policies would have to be reviewed to prevent a similar disaster from happening again.

Teams moving into towns burned out by the inferno found charred bodies on roadsides and in crashed cars _ grim signs of futile attempts to flee raging wildfires fed by 60 mph (100 kph) winds, record heat and drought.

On Tuesday evening, Victoria state Premier John Brumby said the coroner had identified another 50 bodies that had not been counted in the official death toll.

'This is going to be a significant number, it will exceed 200 deaths,' Brumby said."
And here's another interesting article from today:

Arsonists will face murder charges when caught

The Daily Telegraph: "ARSONISTS have re-lit blazes barely fought into submission by over-stretched fire crews.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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