> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Why Is The Left So Silent on Obama's War Expansion?

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why Is The Left So Silent on Obama's War Expansion?

Well, we know that Iraq can't be the problem since the news is still what bleeds leads with the US press, and that's still their policy because there's no insurgent violence to speak of that they want to make sure doesn't start to make Obama look bad.

So instead they will co opt Afghanistan to give Obama the appearance of the Black George Washington and steal any and all credit they can muster by firing off a few more tomahawks and drones Pakistan's way similar to Bill Clinton's wag the dog strategy taken up during the infamous Monica scandal, hoping he can draw attention away from the goings on in Washington so they can slip a few curve balls by us while we're looking elsewhere.

Meanwhile the peacenicks and freaks left over from Woodstock have put down their signs and doobies as they figure out what their cut of the Obama Stimulus payoff to STFU is steering towards thier favorite cause celeb. That's why their silent, they've been bought off, frauds who supposedlt hate the capitalists but sure love money when it's dropped in their wallets courtesy of Obama's "Share the wealth" economic policy.

Obama broadens US targets in Pakistan: report:

"WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama's administration has broadened the number of radical groups targeted by the CIA inside Pakistan by attacking a militant network seeking to overthrow the Pakistani government, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The newspaper said recent missile strikes on training camps run by Baitullah Mehsud represent a broadening of the US military campaign inside Pakistan, which has been carried out largely by drone aircraft.

Under former president George W. Bush, the United States frequently attacked militants from Al-Qaeda and the Taliban but stopped short of targeting Mehsud and his followers.

Mehsud was identified early last year by US and Pakistani officials as the man who had orchestrated the assassination of Pakistani former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, the report said.

Bush included Mehsud in a classified list of militant leaders whom the CIA and American commandos were authorized to capture or kill, according to the paper.

However, he did not do anything to implement the authorization.

But last Saturday and Monday, US missiles hit camps run by Mehsud's network, The Times said.

The Saturday strike was aimed specifically at Mehsud, but he was not killed, the paper reported, citing unnamed Pakistani and US officials."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, I believe they want to lose the war to further disgust the taste of war in American. Many Americans are cowards when it comes to facing the realities freedom presents.

  2. They do on the left think freedom is free Clay, and what can we expect from a bunch of people who can't recognize a Neo-Marxist Puppet Regime when they see one as we do?


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