> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: People Will Wish That Wall Was Completed, And Soon As Medieval Mexican Violence Spills Northward

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

People Will Wish That Wall Was Completed, And Soon As Medieval Mexican Violence Spills Northward

As the Mexican drug war climbs northward over the border we've spent all these years messing around with the damn illegals and border fence and now we'll finally have to call in the troops to guard the damn thing due to the drug violence in Mexico like we should'a been doing all along.

What exactly made our officials believe these drug lords are going to respect our borders with respect to their little war is beyond me.These animals are about as brutal and inhumane as the nasty and filthy radical Muslims around the world using medieval torture, punishment and intimidation that should sicken all civilized peoples.

read about the newest scare tactic of these animals
obviously stolen from the archaic medieval Muslim radicals

And American liberals and the other users and sellers feeding this beast should now plainly see that marijuana and cocaine are not the harmless little weekend party favors they claim illicit drugs to be. Legalization is not the answer either as having our population drunk, stoned and strung out all day every day on addictive substances is no way to stay on top of things as most of us have a tough enough time while sober running the world and our own lives and these people will continue fighting their battles as since this trillion dollar industry is South America's top cash crops as long as there's the need for what they're selling.

Mexican drug violence spills over into the US

My Way News - :Just as government officials had feared, the drug violence raging in Mexico is spilling over into the United States.

U.S. authorities are reporting a spike in killings, kidnappings and home invasions connected to Mexico's murderous cartels. And to some policymakers' surprise, much of the violence is happening not in towns along the border, where it was assumed the bloodshed would spread, but a considerable distance away, in places such as Phoenix and Atlanta.

Investigators fear the violence could erupt elsewhere around the country because the Mexican cartels are believed to have set up drug-dealing operations all over the U.S., in such far-flung places as Anchorage, Alaska; Boston; and Sioux Falls, S.D.

"The violence follows the drugs," said David Cuthbertson, agent in charge of El Paso's FBI office.

The violence takes many forms: Drug customers who owe money are kidnapped until they pay up. Cartel employees who don't deliver the goods or turn over the profits are disciplined through beatings, kidnappings or worse. And drug smugglers kidnap illegal immigrants in clashes with human smugglers over the use of secret routes from Mexico.

So far, the violence is nowhere near as grisly as the mayhem in Mexico, which has witnessed beheading's, assassinations of police officers and soldiers, and mass killings in which the bodies were arranged to send a message. But law enforcement officials worry the violence on this side could escalate.

"They are capable of doing about anything," said Rusty Payne, a Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman in Washington. "When you are willing to chop heads off, put them in an ice chest and drop them off at a police precinct, or roll a head into a disco, put beheadings on YouTube as a warning," very little is off limits.

In an apartment near Birmingham, Ala., police found five men with their throats slit in August. They had apparently been tortured with electric shocks before being killed in a murder-for-hire orchestrated by a Mexican drug organization over a drug debt of about $400,000.

In Phoenix, 150 miles north of the Mexican border, police have reported a sharp increase in kidnappings and home invasions, with about 350 each year for the last two years, and say the majority were committed at the behest of the Mexican drug gangs. "


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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