> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Lincoln Came To Life This Past Week" Says CNN Tramp....

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Lincoln Came To Life This Past Week" Says CNN Tramp....

And what do I say to this total planned hijacking of the legacy of Abraham Lincoln by the conniving and manipulative Obama being facilitated by the sycophantic and treasonous MSM, this:

There's nothing in common there with the great statesman turned 16th president and real Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln, assassinated before he could complete what was sure to be a long and industrious life as a cherished and loved multi termed elder statesman.

To the contrary, the only thing of any significance Obama has accomplished in his entire career here in Illinois before this "election by deception" was confirming his disdain for human life while being the most vocal proponent of a bill that the Republican Lincoln would have torn up and burned in the Oval Office if ever brought to his desk without question, a man who valued human life more than any from his day obvious from his freedom of the slaves. That of coarse was Obama's "death to new born baby bill" as I refer to the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act"

Lincoln would abhor Obama were he alive today for that reason alone, and if the media had any brains and dignity left they will kill the Obama comparisons now before Americans finally do some research on the 16th president and realize Obama couldn't carry Lincoln's jock and has nothing in common with the man in reality, NOTHING.

If you didn't see Newsbuster's piece on the sickening comparisons the other day on Lincoln's birthday which the media will relive for us all again on president's day Monday when Obama signs this Death To America bill on that day, just you watch

CNN's Kyra Phillips on Obama: 'Lincoln Came to Life'

| NewsBusters.org: "CNN’s Kyra Phillips marked the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth on Thursday’s American Morning by harkening back to Barack Obama’s decision to announce his candidacy for president on the steps of the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, Illinois, where the 16th president once worked: “It was here in the Old Capitol that Abraham Lincoln gave his famous ‘House Divided’ speech.

A house divided against itself cannot stand, he proclaimed. Sound familiar? Fast-forward -- February 10th, 2007, Lincoln came to life here as if it were 1858.” She then remarked that with the Democrat’s announcement, “we all witnessed Lincoln’s dream and Obama’s reality" continued
Here's the piece they are speaking of


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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