I was not a particularly loved office pet kind of guy in my 25 year printing career, which maybe a third was spent in the front offices of different companies including the Chicago Tribune, the other 2/3 in the press rooms also including the Tribune where the money was much better but the work much longer and harder. Quite possibly in my case and my belief work that helped me contract Multiple Sclerosis in 2001 from the many nerve damaging agents we worked with daily in press operations back then.
continued here
Help! I hate my co-workers- CNN.com: "Being part of a team can be a great learning experience when collaboration and discussion lead to new ideas and career growth.
But for some employees, like these professionals we talked to, interactions with co-workers range from merely irritating to being a complete nightmare. (To protect the innocent and the annoyed, some of these workers are only sharing their first names.) Do any of these sound familiar?The scented worker
"I worked with a guy that smelled like dirty, wet rags. That was pretty annoying," recalls Christine Lam, a entrepreneur based in Washington state.
The issue impacted Lam's productivity. "He smelled so terrible, it made my eyes water and it was very difficult to work with him as a result."
Back away from the Blackberry!
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Many of us are irked by our fellow employees spending way too much time on personal phone calls or texting friends and family. And perhaps no device is more visible at work than the Blackberry.
"I had a co-worker who was on his Blackberry so much he'd mastered blind-typing on it," says Andrew Chris, an employee at Olighting.com, an online retailer. Unfortunately, the Blackberry-addicted team member couldn't type, text and talk at the same time. "Talking to him while he is busy typing was comparable to talking to a container of glue."
Too much face time on Facebook
Krista, a consultant in Colorado, found the allure of the Internet severely curtailed her co-worker's ability to get anything done.
Krista's "no-worker" was particularly addicted to social networking sites. "She would spend the majority of the day on her MySpace and Facebook pages, which she took great pains to maintain," she notes.
In terms of actual work, Krista's teammate wasn't too productive. "I'd say she worked approximately two hours a day, and most of it had to be corrected or redone."
The bad behavior list
Those may have been some extreme examples, but co-workers can annoy us, rub us the wrong way and make us get our hate on for a number of reasons.
If they're not singing, our co-workers are chewing, slurping, sniffling, coughing or belching in a way that's impossible for us to ignore.
What are the most common reasons a fellow worker might be annoying? They're annoying you (and all of us) in many ways:
• He or she is a "Debby Downer," or has a consistently negative attitude at work.
• They're incredibly nosy or prone to gossip.
• They bring aromatic food to their desks for lunch. Tuna fish, broccoli and asparagus are just a few of our favorites.
• They use their cubicles as a spaces to take care of personal hygiene. Everyone LOVES a fellow worker who clips his nails at his desk, right?
• They leave common areas a mess, and don't clean up after themselves.
• They play "hot potato" with responsibilities and pass the buck whenever possible.
• They're constantly trying to one-up the competition.
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