> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Coming Obama World Order

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Coming Obama World Order

It's here and now America, wake up or suffer the consequences, and unlike Europe under the grasp of Hitler and Mussolini, there's no America out there anywhere to come to our rescue to beat back the beast, except us. We can do it now, or later when it may be impossible if we are disarmed which we all know is on Obama's agenda.

Wake the hell up you poor liberals, please. We're begging you to wake up.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Yes indeed they are. There's good youtubes where that one originates, worth checking out the Hitler comparisons..

  2. Hey, I have a question: What happen to Solis? I know her tax issue prolonged the confirmation, but I have not heard word one about it. Did they manage to sneak her in? Or laying low?

  3. My best searching comes up with still on hold apparently..They're obviously trying to figure a way to sneak her in the door somehow ....

  4. My best searching comes up with is that it's still on hold apparently..They're obviously trying to figure a way to sneak her in the door somehow ....


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