> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Clinton To See How Much Rogue Leaders Respect Women or People In General...Not at all

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Clinton To See How Much Rogue Leaders Respect Women or People In General...Not at all

Well, we know Kim Jung Il had about zero respect for Jimmy Carter and or Bill Clinton as they were gaming them and us and them for years with the supposed food for no nukes plan which was about as successful as Saddam's Oil For Bribes program, and the only reason he was a little afraid of Bush was because of that little thing called thing called the Iraq war.

A message that also encouraged another rogue imbecile by the name of Mommar Gadaffi to fess up his nukes and other weapons that were further along than anyone had known at the time which is usually the case with these sneaky dictators, they're kind of hard to trust, but liberals still think they have the magic pretty please that will sway these killers to sing Kum Bah Ya.

Well we'll soon see what message Kim Jung who's still ill if not dead and his replacements have for a woman who can't even scare her husband into keeping his "little willie" zipped up and a president who's only meeting with a Dictator was in a school play 30 years ago in Indonesia is my best bet.

As to her threats to not go ahead with their threatened missile launch I'll bet you a pack of Trojans for Bill this will be their answer to president Clinton I mean B. Hussein Obama..

Clinton warns against N. Korean missile launch

- CNN.com: "TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her strongest comments yet about North Korea Tuesday during her tour of Asia.
Anti-war activists hold placards during a rally near the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Tuesday.

Anti-war activists hold placards during a rally near the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Tuesday.

Speaking at a news conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone, the U.S. secretary warned that a possible North Korean missile launch 'would be very unhelpful in moving our relationship forward.' Clinton said the U.S. is 'watching very closely' actions by North Korea.

U.S. officials recently said they obtained evidence that North Korea was gearing up for a launch of a long-range missile.

North Korean officials disputed the claim, saying in the country's official news agency that North Korea was preparing to launch a satellite."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Dictators respect one thing: Power.

    The international left, with their press propagandists have delegitimized all use of military power. That leaves all tyrants to run rampant.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Uncle Mike Savage is right: Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. I too say it all the time and always continue to say it as they continue to prove it daily and even hourly.

    If the lunatic fringe didn't disrespect Bush so much the world would have been at our feet begging not to be next....


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