> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Biden & Clinton Prove Obama Dems Stumble On Oaths Because They're Breaking Them As They Take Them

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Biden & Clinton Prove Obama Dems Stumble On Oaths Because They're Breaking Them As They Take Them

That is my theory on why these Obama people keep butchering the oaths, because they know damn well as they put their hands on these bibles they are swearing to God and lying their asses off as they do it.

Each of them subconsciously know what they are doing, setting themselves up for future criminal charges right from the get go number one. Number two are simply awaiting a thunder bolt or some other higher acknowledgment they know will eventually be forthcoming for their lying before and to God, especially with their dirty hands on his good book and their empty hearts as they mock the very oaths by even taking them in the first place, knowing full well they're nothing more than lying and cheating scum. Each one one of them, lying, eating and breathing scum.

And for those few seconds at least they feel it and they too know it.

And this POS Biden had the temerity to ridicule Justice Roberts for taking the blame for Obama's f**k up as he did, ripping Roberts not once publicly but twice for not reading it from a prepared text, as the video linked shows as does this one. This just shows how dumb and stupid the usually drunken Biden really is as he screwed it up reading it right from the damn book!!! Yet another gigantic, democratic, hypocritical, know it all asshole.

Another bothersome thing to me is all the laughter and un seriousness with which all these dems treat these somber and serious events, just total disregard and mocking because as I indicated above, to these Godless liberals oaths mean absolutely nothing, as they're usually breaking them right as they take them anyways, true lowlifes.

Biden Fumbles Clinton Oath -

First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com: "Mockery of and apologies to the Supreme Court chief justice aside, Vice President Biden on Monday learned how difficult it is to deliver an oath of office.

The vice president fumbled his words while swearing in Hillary Clinton as secretary of state in a mock ceremony held at Foggy Bottom.

After smoothly saying and having Clinton repeat that she does 'solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,' Biden, who was using a note card, faltered.

'... that I will bear -- excuse me ... that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ...'

He then continued without incident after a hearty laugh from the audience.

The laughter may have been an acknowledgement of the irony following Biden's recent joke at the expense of Chief Justice John Roberts, who slipped when he was administering the oath to President Obama.

Roberts came back and repeated the oath in a private ceremony the following day after Biden, who was holding a swearing-in ceremony for senior staff, joked about Roberts' mistake.

Biden reportedly later called Roberts to apologize. The vice president gets another chance to get it right on Tuesday when he swears in Eric Holder to be attorney general"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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