> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Welcome To The Twilight Zone, Illinois & Federal Government In A Tailspin All Because of Barack Hussein Obama, Period.

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Welcome To The Twilight Zone, Illinois & Federal Government In A Tailspin All Because of Barack Hussein Obama, Period.

The theater of the absurd continues in Illinois and Washington . In Illinois Blago continues to selfishly cling to his position in government but why not? He has nowhere else to go thanks to Pat Fitzgerald's premature ejaculation a few weeks ago.

Ill. gov. to preside in Senate that will try him:

My Way News - "SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - In an ironic, surreal scene, impeached Gov. Rod Blagojevich will preside briefly over the chamber that holds his political future in its hands.

On Wednesday, Blagojevich was to oversee the swearing-in of the Illinois Senate, which will decide in a matter of weeks whether to throw the two-term Democrat out of office. The opening of a new legislative session is normally an upbeat occasion, but how the senators and the governor will respond this time is anyone's guess." continued
Our Illinois circus atmosphere is all because of a man who ran for a senate seat 3 years ago that he had no intention of filling for the long term and basically left abandoned as he ran the longest campaign for president in American history on our time and our dime. Now as a result of his unbelievable election to the office of president, the Illinois governor is being impeached for trying to sell Obama's half vacant seat in the senate and the country has gone into a financial Armageddon like tailspin.

Thanks mostly to Obama's democratic cohorts in congress and as a subsequent mad panic while American investors pulled their money from their banks and the stock market as a result of the massive mortgage fraud caused at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae again by these congressional democrats, Fannie CEO crook Franklin Raines, and widespread homeowner fraud never seen nor matched in our history. Again this fraud was caused entirely by democrats and their deadbeat constituents who took on no money down mortgages they couldn't afford nor did they deserve to receive and only did as the democrats in congress forced banks to take on these Fannie backed mortgages against everyone's best judgment besides dems in congress.

And to exacerbate these matters even more, the selfish and self grandiose Obama is now giddily reigning over the largest inaugural debacle ever seen in our history, at the worst possible financial time in our history, where the present outgoing president must declare a state of financial emergency all for this fraud's illegal inauguration bash, an absolute travesty of gargantuan proportions that the counrty will regret like nothing before again in our country's history.

A party of this unnecessary magnitude being held for a fraudulent man not even eligible to hold the office, and for a bunch of radical BDS infected liberals descending opon our Capital looking for their piece of Americana and handouts all at our expense.

Isn't that all just absolutely wonderful, well Welcome to the Twilight Zone folks formerly known as the United States of America..

Bush grants federal aid for Obama inauguration:

WND "President Bush declared a state of emergency in the District of Columbia today and ordered the use of federal funds for Barack Obama's inauguration.

'An emergency exists in the District of Columbia,' White House press secretary Dana Perino said in a statement.

In the next week, as many as 2 million people are expected to travel to the area from all over the world to see Obama become the 44th president of the United States.

Find out what's in store for America during Obama's presidency. Get Jerome Corsi's 'The Obama Nation' – autographed exclusively from WND.

Perino said federal aid is available 'for emergency protective measures that are undertaken to save lives and protect public health and safety' and will be used for security and transportation needs.

Streets are expected to close; only taxis will have access to bridges, and security will be tightened.(Story continues)"
Flashback to when the hypocritical liberals were whining up down and all around at the Bush inauguration which didn't take place during an economic collapse and was nothing near the high brow liberal extravagance of the Obama libfest on tap next week:

Giving Bush a pass -- again -

Salon.com: "Jan 20, 2005 | In Sunday's New York Times, John Tierney examined the delicate balancing act administrations face when throwing a lavish inauguration celebration against the backdrop of unsettling world events. Tierney wrote that inaugurations 'become even trickier during times of war, particularly when television images of dancers in black tie can be instantly juxtaposed with soldiers in body armor.

'"Tierney must be confusing the D.C. press corps as it might be expected to function -- posing uncomfortable questions to those in power -- with the press corps that exists in Washington today. Because the notion that the television networks or 24-hour news channels would spend their inauguration coverage contrasting the scenes of wealthy corporate donors toasting the president while young soldiers and middle-aged Guardsmen battle in Iraq is wildly naive.

During the nearly 24 months of war coverage of Iraq, many American news outlets have remained steadfastly allergic to relaying disturbing images of war, particularly anything that shows Americans being wounded or killed. So the idea that broadcast journalists would use this celebration, of all things, as a time to press President Bush on Iraq simply does not reflect the modus operandi of today's mainstream media. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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