> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Tom "Dasch-Hole" Another Tax Cheat On The Obama Bandwagon To Change

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tom "Dasch-Hole" Another Tax Cheat On The Obama Bandwagon To Change

This is change Barry? Tom "Dasch Hole" as I refer to him and always have or Daschle for his friends, yet another dem insider and political lifer who's never worked a job out in the real world in all his years representing the regular people. Just like the government freeloading Vice President who too has never worked a job in the real world along with countless other Dems with these Two and Ted the Swimmer right at the top of the list

This is change we can sure do without Barry Bamboozlin' Bama.

Lets look at the tax cheats inside the democratic party thus far who have avoided any repercussions whatsoever for neglecting to pay taxes to the very programs that they enforce upon we peeeon taxpayers, those being the FICA & SSA & State taxes right out of our paychecks. We now have newly confirmed IRS head Tim Geitner of all frickin people to be a cheat, Charlie Bahama Mama Rangle, the House Ways and Means Cheat who followed Dan Rosty Rostenkowski, that other Illinois congressman of days gone by who too was booted from office in disgrace you may recall. Then of coarse there's Bend Over Barney Frank, Chris Dodd et al, all blatant and caught red handed democratic Tax cheats.

This Tom "Dasch Hole" it turns out owed twice the amount of the IRS head Tim Geitner , who was still approved after the few republicans eventually signed off on it this past week after both decided to pay the monies in arrears with no penalties of either variety assessed of coarse (financial or criminal) Then they show up on Obama's doorstep saying "well I guess since we cleaned this mess up all's well that ends well" when we're the one's that keep getting it in the end alright !

And the worst part about the money Daschle owes is that it wasn't for working for a living in any capacity but for a free limousine and driver provided to him by a WALL STREET, that's right , A WALL STREET firm so he wouldn't have to bother himself with driving around like the regular private citizen he was at the time.

The biggest misconception of all the liberal bahh bahh black sheep behind Obama is that these Wall street firms were or are all run by conservatives, but they are not and they never have been. All the giants are predominantly run at the top by liberals and big time dem party donors, the biggest one of all being the notorious George Soros himself. They hand out perks and gifts like this all the time to these greedy politicians to gain favor and good grace when their time comes for a favor or two.

And that my friends is what led to the intertwined triangular culture of corruption between democratic politicians, wall street and the banks failing from the Fannie Freddie Mortgage crisis. And Obama is simply continuing where theyall left off at the tail end of the Bush administration, hoping they would be able to use Bush as the usual scapegoat and cover for the continuation of all this fraud into the next decade with the new puppet Obama.

Now the puppet Obama is dancing the dance as he's apparently too stupid to see he's expected to be a rubber stamp and spokesperson for what's really going on in the background, which makes him the perfect stooge at the top so the dems could run around cleaning up this hellacious messs mess they created by burying it all in a mound of taxpayer money called a stimulus package, like trying to douse a small fire with a gas pump.. All this brought to you & America by the liberal congress, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Franklin Raines and a cast of hundreds of other liberal congressional crooks starring in the Obama Administration, Theater Of The Absurd .

Obama's HHS Secretary Nominee Faces Tax Questions Over Car and Driver:

Political Punch: Bumps in the Road: "ABC News has learned that the nomination of former Senator Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., to be President Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services has hit a traffic snarl on its way through the Senate Finance Committee.

The controversy deals with a car and driver lent to Daschle by a wealthy Democratic friend, a chauffeur service the former senator used for years without declaring it on his taxes.

It remains an open question as to whether this is a 'speed bump,' as a Democratic Senate ally of Daschle put it, or something more damaging.

After being defeated in his 2004 re-election campaign to the Senate, Daschle in 2005 became a consultant and chairman of the Executive Advisory Board at InterMedia Advisors.

Based in New York City, InterMedia Advisors is a private equity firm founded in part by longtime Daschle friend and Democratic fundraiserLeo Hindery, the former president of the YES network (the Yankees' and Devils' broadcast network).

That same year he began his professional relationship with InterMedia 2005, Daschle began using the services of Hindery's car and driver."

Whoaa Nellie!!!! There's even more now this morning it appears reported in Fox and Politico, and here's the lowdown on that news:

Report: Daschle Received $220G From Health Care Groups With Vested Interest -

First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com: "Tom Daschle, the former South Dakota senator picked by President Obama to reside over the nation's healthcare system, received $220,000 in speaking fees from health care groups with an interest in the work he would do once confirmed as health chief, Politico.com reported Saturday.

Daschle, who has come under fire in recent days for his failure to pay taxes, reportedly received thousands from health care groups -- such as the Health Industry Distributors Association -- that stand to gain or lose depending on the outcome of Obama's universal health care initiative.

The Health Industry Associated paid Dashle a speaking fee of $14,000 in March 2008, according to Politico.com.

The speaking fees were detailed in a financial disclosure statement released Friday after it was revealed that Daschle -- Obama's nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services -- failed to pay $128,203 in back taxes and $11,964 in interest. continued on fox


Click here to read the full report from Politico.com."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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