> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Richardson, Another Foreign Born Pres Candidate, Bails On Obama and Says "Adios Amigos"

Today's world headlines

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Richardson, Another Foreign Born Pres Candidate, Bails On Obama and Says "Adios Amigos"

That's one down and many to go as Billy backs out of the Obama appointment drowning in Pay for Play scandal like an illegal in the Rio Grande who can't swim too well (which is rare), and similar to the same scandal Obama himsefl will be drowning in shortly, the infamous and notorious Blago sago picking up steam quietly here in "Illi Noise" as many of the leftward ignorant pronounce the Land of Lincoln state.

THE S IS SILENT FOLKS!!!!!!!!! , you were supposed to have learned that in grade school instead of "homosexual rights, tricks & tips" like they have been teaching the past decade or so in the liberal training facilities AKA the public schools of America instead of Grammar,Spelling, American History,Physical Education and common sense to a degree..

As we all know the Obama Chief of staff Rham Emmanuel, now officially in hiding in that infamous "secret location" where the left cried that Dick Cheney was supposedly hiding for 8 years, will be the next political casualty and Obama roadkill as scandal becomes the illegal Obama administration's middle name "right from the git go". The lefties are gonna have a real tough time defending all the criminals in their barnyard of scum (which I also have a little informational post below titled "Did Someone Say Culture Of Corruption"?) for the next four years, which I'm betting here and now will be significantly less than that the way things are shaping up.

It's also looking like the Hillary appointment is getting mucked up by the Slickster himself, seeing he's been not in the Saudi's back pocket, but ensconced right in their collective crotches for Billions of Dollars, that's Billions folks, not the millions he's disclosed thus far. BILLIONS.

Gotta pay to play, it's the Obama/Illinois way......
What's so funny guys? America's not laughing, not the conservative America loving half at least

Richardson withdraws bid to be commerce secretary

My Way News - : "WASHINGTON (AP) - New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Sunday announced that he was withdrawing his nomination to be President-elect Barack Obama's commerce secretary amid a grand jury investigation into how some of his political donors won a lucrative state contract.

Richardson's withdrawal was the first disruption of Obama's Cabinet process and the second 'pay-to-play' investigation that has touched Obama's transition to the presidency. The president-elect has remained above the fray in both the case of arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and with the New Mexico case.

A federal grand jury is investigating how a California company that contributed to Richardson's political activities won a New Mexico state contract worth more than $1 billion. Richardson said in a statement issued by the Obama transition office that the investigation could take weeks or months but expressed confidence it will show he and his administration acted properly." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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