This tape's a couple months old but the story need s to be shown and told again and again..These people in Obama's government that have cozied up to or gone easy on terrorists are indeed scary people to hand this much power to. Obama and Ayers, Holder and FALN terrorists, where do we draw the line? Are we gonna let William Ayers who bombed the pentagon hang around the White House with Barack Obama on weekends? This is abominable to me that these people are this close to the president of these United States, how low is the bar now?
We're gonna stand for this desecration our most sacred national symbols and government employing terror sympathizing bleeding heart liberals to represent us and make life and death decisions for us?
Not I said the wise man. This is the son of a victim of FALN Terrorists who was and is speaking out against the nomination of Eric Holder to be the next Attorney General of the United States. His name is Joseph Connor
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