And they want us to respect Obama out of the gate? Not in my lifetime you Botulism Queen.
Pelosi said one of her favorite moments from Inauguration Day was when Marine One lifted off the Capitol grounds, signifying former President George W. Bush's exit from Washington.
"It felt like a 10-pound anvil was lifted off my head," she said.

Pelosi sketches strategy on key issues: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in a post-inauguration interview with Bay Area reporters Wednesday, said she will move far-reaching climate change legislation this year, but opposes - at least for now - the idea of Congress approving another costly bailout for troubled banks.
ImagesThe San Francisco Democrat, arguably the second most powerful person in Washington, with immense power to shape the legislative agenda, sought to tamp down expectations about how quickly Congress and President Obama will address vexing problems, from a weak economy to an ailing health care system."We can't fix it all overnight," she said from her Capitol office overlooking the Mall, "but we have to begin."
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