> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obamapalooza Scratching "Made In USA" Provison to Please Foreigners, That's Nice...

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obamapalooza Scratching "Made In USA" Provison to Please Foreigners, That's Nice...

Instead of Obama and his minions butchering the 5.2 BILLION "ACORN" provision of the "stimulus" shock therapy bill, or the 335 million"STD" Barry White Love making provision that should take care of all the promiscuous liberals out there with the clap and other diseases acquired from having sex anyone or anything they just met 5 minutes ago, they're going to likely remove a "Made In America" provision that some foreign countries are complaining about in the Obama Shock Therapy Bill.

It's so nice when the very countries who all depend on our money and trade with us to survive complain we control t0o much of the world's financial sector yet they are all of a sudden our best of buddies for a few minutes when we decide to turn the American Aid spigots on full blast. Yet an hour after the checks are cashed they're all bent out of shape that we decide we need to bring back some jobs to this country again, instead of sending them to everywhere else and their motherland's to produce what we use and need all so they can all feed themselves at our expense either way.

Well that just sounds great Amazing Hussein. What's next on the liberal Shock Therapy chopping block may I ask??

Could it be the $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects whatever the f*** that constitutes, meaning plastic strap on bags to catch cow farts to lower CO2 emissions perhaps ? Or what about the $600 million Congress wants to spend more of for the federal government to buy new fleets of cars they really don't need with our money to help the car industry we just bailed out with our money?

That sounds like a major potential savings there, no? They already spend $3 billion a year on their fleet of 600,000 vehicles adn yet they want 600 million more worth, are these all for endless stream of Obama's family members around the world in every country but America who might need new cars to replace the all donkey carts they use presently to get around?

Who the hell knows...

Obama Will Review Buy American Provision in Stimulus (Update1)

Bloomberg.com: Worldwide: "an. 30 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s administration will examine a “buy American” requirement in economic stimulus legislation that has raised concern among U.S. trading partners, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

The administration “will review that particular provision,” Gibbs said today at his regular briefing. The president’s advisers understand “all of the concerns that have been heard, not only in this room, but in newspapers produced both up north and down south.”

He refused to say whether the administration supported or opposed keeping that part of the legislation intact. Nor did he say what the president would do if the provision remains once the bill clears the House and the Senate."continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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