> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: ObamaFest Looking Less and Less Attractive To ObamaMorons Each Day

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

ObamaFest Looking Less and Less Attractive To ObamaMorons Each Day

I guess standing in perpetual security lines with a bunch of sweaty and obnoxious weed smoking liberals, swearing and talking loudly on their cell phones endlessly so everyone within earshot thinks they're as important as they do, paying triple price for everything you purchase including those wonderful collector edition Obama Dinner Plates and smokeless ashtrays with Obama's likeness on them, staying a week in a city in which crime is it's major industry and top employment opportunity, especially on capital hill, all for the chance of standing a country mile away from the real action going on on a stage you can't see without a jumbotron you can barely see standing outside in 10 below zero weather during an economic recession while all the liberal politico's including the Messiah himself party in the warmth like kings and queens like it's 1999 occasionally mingling with the smelly peasants isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Thank goodness for that as this ostentatious display of self grandiosity that egomaniac Obama seems so addicted to at every event he plans and attends, like the crack cocaine he liked to smoke when the money was available back in the day a week ago was and is still going to bankrupt the city of DC anyways. A city which needs all the money it can get just to run it's jails, legal system and first responder services, certainly not for self congratulatory inaugural parties more expensive than the Usurper of "Change"deserves nor should want spent in his name at a time when the country is broke and he wants to take us all down the road to complete bankruptcy.

Starting his term by borrowing a cool trill note from the Chinese to put a nation of Unionized construction workers back to work rebuilding roads that get rebuilt every other year to begin with and to finish cleaning up the financial Katrina his democratic cohorts in Congress caused int he first place by requiring the banking system to eat millions of mortgages for people who couldn't and wouldn;t be able to pay the notes on the mortgages which cause the rest of the dominoes underneath to fall down/.

Personally I think the whole thing was way overblown by the media sycophants in the first place, so they're trying now cover for the ObamaNation embarrassment when only a quarter million people, the usual amount that show up for this thing, end up being there inauguration day, not the "200 million Obama supporters" they were all dreaming of.

That my friends is the real story.

Hassles and headaches may deter inaugural crowds

AM 1280 The Patriot: "Jim Baca and his wife were all set to travel from New Mexico to Washington for the inauguration. They had booked plane tickets and arranged to stay with friends in Virginia.

Then they started reading about all the obstacles they would face once they arrived: packed subway cars, perhaps miles of gridlock on the roads and even prohibitions on bringing seemingly harmless items like umbrellas to the National Mall.

'All of a sudden, a fireplace and Irish coffee sounded a lot better,' said Baca, a former Albuquerque mayor who says he worked to help elect Barack Obama. Besides, he said, 'we can probably get a better view on TV.'

The warnings about massive crowds, sparse lodging and tight security have convinced some would-be visitors that it is best to stay home. That might mean smaller crowds than first estimated for the Jan. 20 swearing-in of the first black president."

The city's police chief, Cathy Lanier, said Thursday that authorities were anticipating 1 million to 2 million people. That is far shy of the headline-grabbing 3 million to 5 million figure that Mayor Adrian M. Fenty initially projected. The largest turnout the Park Service has on record is 1.2 million for Lyndon B. Johnson's inauguration.

Antron Johnson of Atlanta and his group of Obama supporters once planned to charter three 57-seater buses. Now they are down to two. "I am completely frustrated and disappointed," Johnson said. Among the reasons that people have backed out are concerns about overcrowding in the city and potential cell-phone outages.

One indication of waning inaugural interest _ or at least the calm after the initial hype _ is the sluggish demand from out-of-towners seeking housing.

Andre Butters decided to create a Web site to help local homeowners find renters, based on the mayor's initial crowd estimate. Yet demand for has been light. There are about 730 properties listed on his Web site, but only about 100 out-of-towners have registered to find a place, Butters said. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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